Description: In order for our children to lean to
daven with proper kavanah, we have to
give them the tools and the clues
necessary for them to connect to the
tefillos.... Details
Grades: Middle School, High School, Administration, Adult
Downloaded 38 time(s)
Description:A Fresh Take on Tznuis is a
session describing a comprehensive
program which can be run in girls High
Schools on order to promote, encourage
and... Details
Grades: Elementary, Middle School, High School, Administration
Downloaded 162 time(s)
Description: This session on Chinuch Habanos was
given by R' Shmuel Kamenetsky at the
2008 Torah Umesorah Convention. After
some introductory remarks by R'
Kamenetsky... Details
Grades: Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School, High School, Administration
Downloaded 121 time(s)
Description: Nowadays, the term tznius has often
become synonymous with the tug of war
between the hanhalah and their
students. In the student's min the
word tznius... Details
Description: "L'Hachzir Atarah
L'Yoshnah", Reclaiming the Crown:
Incorporating a curriculum for
teaching tznius in our girl's schools
ina fresh and inviting way. Details
Grades: Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School, High School, Administration, Adult
Downloaded 135 time(s)
Description: A short address outlining the
responsibility of Mechanchim/os to
deal with the Ruchniyusdik
(spiritual)challenges that modern
technologies pose (Internet,... Details
Description: In order to make this treasured audio
file available to you as quickly as
possible, we have posted it without a
summary. Please feel free to submit
your own... Details