is designed to enable Torah educators to share quality educational ideas and materials. Access to the best resources and inspiration from hundreds of mechanchim and mechanchos worldwide enhances the quality of chinuch everywhere. The program flourishes because of the generosity of countless educators like you who submit their valuable resources. By sharing the fruits of your labor to help others in the world ofChinuch, you are reaching thousands of students with each word, and are truly being M'kaim the words of Pirkei Avos: "V'ha'amidu talmidim harbeh." Our mission is to facilitate the sharing of finished and raw printed materials, and to encourage networking ideas and solutions. It has never been our intention to serve as a substitute for the efforts a teacher must expend in the preparation and presentation of suitable materials. While we screen each submission for general quality and accuracy of content, it is incumbent upon the user to thoroughly examine each item to ensure that it is appropriate for your particular students' needs. As with all materials, the ultimate responsibility lies with the welcomes your feedback, corrections and suggestions regarding any of the posted materials. Note: has been accepted by Gedolei Yisroel as being a valuable professional resource for Torah educators. is a self-contained site, with no links to anywhere on the Internet. |