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26 Shevat, 5785 / Monday, February 24, 2025
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USER Information
This information was last updated: 02-25-2015
The last time this user logged on : 03-28-2016
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User Name :Busymom
Title :Mrs
First Name :Amy
Last Name : Schwartz
City : Atlanta
State : Georgia
Country : United States
School Name : Temima High School
City : Atlanta
State : Georgia
All Contributions By This User (2)
Message Board Posts:3
1. I just wanted to update about our son with Asperger's in an out of town mesivta (see second post in this thread). He is doing sooooo well, B"H! Let me just say that the mesivta we send our son to has a rebbie who is an old friend of my husband's, and he really looks out for our son in many ways. We are in constant touch with him getting updates and throwing ideas back and forth on how to handle the inevitable bumps along the road.

That being said, my son is making friends, learning that there are consequences to his actions (good and bad), and learning so many life skills he would never learn if he was "in town" with his mama. He has had to shop for new shoes, learn to navigate airports, make arrangements for getting to and from the airport, learn moderation with his current obsession (computer games), arrange for his chanukah lecht for the first couple of nights, shop for shalach manos, etc. This from a boy who "can't" make decisions on his own.

It has not been 100% smooth sailing, but B"H his rebbie is willing to do so much to help him grow in a positive direction. The yeshiva certainly needs some hadrocha on how to best handle certain situations with our son, but B"H they are so "on board" with us to help our son! When our son was home for chanukah, his cell phone rang... it was a boy from yeshiva calling him. I was sooo elated! I don't think he had ever gotten a phone call from a friend before! To me, progress comes in ways that for others is just an every-day occurrance.

My email has changed, but I am still happy to talk with anyone about this whole subject. My new email is

Hatzlocha Raba!
2. My son with Asperger's will be starting mesivta in the fall, out of town in a dorm. He is very much on the fence as to yes Asperger's or no Asperger's butthe diagnosis is there. He's never been in special ed classes (he had a shadow for a few years in our local day school which in hindsight was a mistake for us. May kids do great with shadows, though) and he's just so happy to be going someplace where he can grow without getting bullied. I am happy to be in touch and let you know how it goes.
3. There is a very comprehensive book list on that is done in 3 formats: one is a comprehensive list of books with comments on why they would be approved or not, one is an approved only list, and one is the complete book list without the comments. The file number is A_00663. Hope this helps.
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