One of our primary goals is that each talmid should develop into
a successful Ben-Torah who is confident in his ability to tackle
a blatt Gemara. In order to accomplish this goal and insure that
our talmidim get a geshmak from their learning, we need to help
them overcome the challenges that Gemara learning presents.
This workshop addresses three points: • How to help the
talmid become comfortable with the text of the Gemara through the
acquisition of a substantial Gemara vocabulary. • How to
empower the talmid with an understanding of the structure of the
gemara. • How to insure that the talmid grasps the concepts
of the gemara that are taught in class. Addressing these areas of
instruction will be beneficial in helping both the brighter and
weaker talmidim gain the ability to achieve independence in their
study of Gemara. |