This practical workshop will consider a three-step approach in
addressing the angry parent. Participants will be challenged with
an actual case of an angry parent confronting a principal. will
brainstorm how they would respond, review the three-step
approach, and then hear how the principal actually resolved the
problem successfully.
The "Angry Parent
Approach" provides Strategies that reduce overall
tension between school and home and foster a positive, working
relationship; How administrative attitudes can reduce
tension with the parent body; What are the two kinds of
communication that build lasting partnerships; Playing the role
of the gracious host; strategies to prepare to meet the angry
parent; Where to conduct meetings; How to set goals for the
meeting; How to collect the relevant data; strategies for
conferencing with the angry parent; How to set the
right tone; Why listening and understanding are the keys to
success; and Looking for a "win-win" resolution.
Principals will come away with a real-world plan to defuse and
turn-around these most challenging interactions.