| | Chessed Fair Program (Y_01154) | Contributor :Rivkah Bodkins (11 items) | | Description : Engage all the students
and the parents with this
Chessed Fair to be done
by an entire school.
Each grade chooses a
Chessed... Details  | Date Added : 05/03/2010 | Downloaded 262 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School, Administration | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_01154_chessed_fair_program.pdf (0.19 MB Pages 23) | | | |  | (0.31 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Ki Ha'adam Eitz HaSadeh Unit (NY_00021) | Contributor :Chaim And Chaya Baila Wolf Teacher Center Torah Umesorah (529 items) | | Description : This comprehensive Shevat
unit focuses on the life
lessons we can learn from
trees.A beautiful
bulletin board is
gradually... Details  | Date Added : 04/30/2010 | Downloaded 1978 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | ny_00021_ki_haadam_e~hasade_unit.pdf (0.19 MB Pages 9) | | | |  | ny_00021_teacher_reference_sheet.doc (0.06 MB) | | | |  | ny_00021_kiadameitzhasadeh_20x30.pdf (11.28 MB Pages 1) | | | |  | ny_00021_road_sign_11x17.pdf (1.29 MB Pages 2) | | | |  | ny_00021_student_organizer.doc (0.06 MB) | | | |  | (3.85 MB) | | | |  | ny_00021_category_si~gn_8.5_x_11.pdf (5.26 MB Pages 6) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Ma Hi Torah Unit (NY_00022) | Contributor :Chaim And Chaya Baila Wolf Teacher Center Torah Umesorah (529 items) | | Description : This is a detailed
multi-faceted lesson that
is designed around seven
pictures that focus
students on the purpose
of Brias... Details  | Date Added : 04/30/2010 | Downloaded 812 time(s) | Grades : Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | ny_00022_lp_ma_hi_torah.pdf (4.08 MB Pages 41) | | | |  | (29.47 MB) | | | |  | (0.24 MB) | | | |  | (0.24 MB) | | | |  | (0.32 MB) | | | |  | (0.09 MB) | | | |  | (1.60 MB) | | | |  | (0.32 MB) | | | |  | (0.53 MB) | | | |  | (0.09 MB) | | | |  | ny_00022_ani_maamin.doc (0.02 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Basic Yesodos of Emunah Curriculum (Y_01152) | Contributor :Yitzchak Feigenbaum (2 items) | | Description : A two year text-based
course for yeshivos and
Bais Yaakov high schools
on basic topics of Emunah
- proving Torah
MiShamayim,... Details  | Date Added : 04/28/2010 | Downloaded 450 time(s) | Grades : High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_01152_emunah.pdf (10.60 MB Pages 114) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Onaas Devorim Middos Activities (Y_01153) | Contributor :Chumi Levitansky (6 items) | | Description : Short typical scenarios
that the girls act out in
skits where they focus on
responses that would be
onaas devarim and
those... Details  | Date Added : 04/28/2010 | Downloaded 913 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_01153_onaas_devorim_scenarios.pdf (0.03 MB Pages 4) | | | |  | y_01153_onaas_devorim_scenarios.doc (0.03 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | V’ahavta L’Rei’acha Kamocha Scenarios and... (Y_01151) | Contributor :Yaakov Aharonof (1 item) | | Description : These pictures depict a
variety of good middos
being displayed by the
students. The students
act out common classroom
scenarios... Details  | Date Added : 04/22/2010 | Downloaded 987 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_01151_veahavta_lerayacha.pdf (7.41 MB Pages 13) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Ona'as Devorim Poem (Y_01148) | Contributor :Chaim Biberfeld (18 items) | | Description : This poem, adapted from
the famous “sticks
and stones” poem,
clearly explains that
hurtful words do hurt and
leave... Details  | Date Added : 04/19/2010 | Downloaded 200 time(s) | Grades : Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_01148_onaas_devarim.pdf (0.02 MB Pages 2) | | | |  | y_01148_sign_onaas_devorim.dwd (0.01 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Achdus Bulletin Board (NY_00020 ) | Contributor :Chaim And Chaya Baila Wolf Teacher Center Torah Umesorah (529 items) | | Description : Impart a feeling of
Ahavas Chaveiros and
Achdus with an
interactive bulletin
board and short daily
lessons. There are
common... Details  | Date Added : 04/15/2010 | Downloaded 900 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | ny_00020__lp_achdus_~letin_board.pdf (4.73 MB Pages 53) | | | |  | (1.84 MB) | | | |  | (5.56 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Middos Play (R_01413) | Contributor :Adina Dan (38 items) | | Description : The “Derech
Devorim” buzz and
teach about the
importance of derech
eretz and having good
middos through
adorable... Details  | Date Added : 03/18/2010 | Downloaded 456 time(s) | Grades : Elementary | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | r_01413_middos_play.pdf (0.09 MB Pages 8) | | | |  | r_01413_middos_play.doc (0.05 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Circle of Control Activity (R_01407) | Contributor :Adina Dan (38 items) | | Description : An activity which can be
used for a workshop which
encourages discussion
about what our priorities
in life should be and
what... Details  | Date Added : 03/15/2010 | Downloaded 633 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | r_01407_circle_of_control.pdf (0.06 MB Pages 4) | | | |  | r_01407_circle_of_control.doc (0.07 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Learning Groups/ Shiur Prep Lessons (R_01410) | Contributor :Adina Dan (38 items) | | Description : Sixteen full lesson plans
and cute handouts to be
used during learning
groups or shiur in a
kiruv summer camp. These
lesson... Details  | Date Added : 03/15/2010 | Downloaded 638 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | r_01410_learning_groups.pdf (1.04 MB Pages 33) | | | |  | (1.95 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Tzedakah Comedy Skit (R_01409) | Contributor :Adina Dan (38 items) | | Description : A short comedy skit about
tzedakah where a bunch of
boys try their hands at
fundraising for a worthy
cause and the mishaps
they... Details  | Date Added : 03/15/2010 | Downloaded 378 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | r_01409_team_tzedaka_comedy_skit.pdf (0.06 MB Pages 6) | | | |  | r_01409_team_tzedaka_comedy_skit.doc (0.03 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Tefillah Comedy Skit (R_01406) | Contributor :Adina Dan (38 items) | | Description : A short comedy skit about
tefillah where Malky
learns that sometimes we
need to be careful about
what exactly
we’re... Details  | Date Added : 03/15/2010 | Downloaded 643 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | r_01406_team_tefila_comedy_skit.pdf (0.05 MB Pages 6) | | | |  | r_01406_team_tefila_comedy_skit.doc (0.03 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | A Poem: Sensitivity and Respect for the Elderly (A_00757) | Contributor :Esther Lerner (6 items) | | Description : Poem written by an
anonymous elderly woman
in a nursing home in
Ireland entitled
"What do you see
nurse?" It is a... Details  | Date Added : 02/25/2010 | Downloaded 221 time(s) | Grades : High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | a_00757_a_poem.pdf (0.02 MB Pages 3) | | | |  | a_00757_nurse.doc (0.02 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
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| | Pirkei Avos Theme Song (Y_01140) | Contributor :Shoshana Kruger (53 items) | | Description : Introduce the learning of
Pirkei Avos during
Sefiras HaOmer with this
theme song. The idea
that Pirkei Avos will
help give us... Details  | Date Added : 02/23/2010 | Downloaded 529 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_01140_pirkei_avos_theme_song.pdf (0.08 MB Pages 2) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Parshas Terumah: PowerPoint Presentation On Humility (K_00792) | Contributor :Gittel Bloch (14 items) | | Description : A PowerPoint Presentation
that discusses the idea
of how to bring Hashem
into our lives by
removing ga’avah
and... Details  | Date Added : 02/18/2010 | Downloaded 577 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | k_00792_parshas_terumah_5770.pdf (0.56 MB Pages 16) | | | |  | k_00792_parshas_terumah_5770.ppt (0.77 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | United We Ignite: A Chanukah Play (R_01377) | Contributor :Sender Haber (23 items) | | Description : A Chanukah play depicting
Israeli/Sefardi, and
American families
interacting on Chanukah.
The students are
taught,... Details  | Date Added : 12/16/2009 | Downloaded 658 time(s) | Grades : Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | r_01377_united_we_ignite.pdf (0.07 MB Pages 7) | | | |  | r_01377_chanuka_play.dwd (0.13 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Middos Scenarios (Y_01126) | Contributor :Michoel Sheinkopf (7 items) | | Description : Scenarios dealing with
common interpersonal
concerns for students can
be used to form a class
discussion about the
proper way... Details  | Date Added : 12/14/2009 | Downloaded 808 time(s) | Grades : Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_01126_middos_scenarios.pdf (0.20 MB Pages 53) | | | |  | y_01126_scenario.dgs (0.09 MB) | | | |  | y_01126_scenes.dgs (0.02 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Please Let Me Finish! A Song About Not Interrupting (R_01375) | Contributor :Marcia Zlochower (78 items) | | Description : Do you have a problem
with students
interrupting each other
and you? Since children
learn so well through
songs, this song... Details  | Date Added : 12/10/2009 | Downloaded 456 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | r_01375_please_let_me_finish.pdf (0.10 MB Pages 2) | | | |  | r_01375_pleaseletmefinish.dwd (1.14 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Making Judaism Your Own-Parshas Chayei Sarah-Toldos (K_00770) | Contributor :Gittel Bloch (14 items) | | Description : This is a slideshow
discussing our obligation
to make our beliefs and
practices our own. This
was prepared in response
to the... Details  | Date Added : 12/10/2009 | Downloaded 628 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | k_00770_chaya_sora__toldos_5770.pdf (0.76 MB Pages 14) | | | |  | k_00770_chaya_sora__toldos_5770.ppt (2.14 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | The Purpose of Nisyonos (Y_01118) | Contributor :Chaim Biberfeld (18 items) | | Description : This informative sheet
provides four basic
understandings of the
concept of nisyonos. It
is appropriate to use
while learning... Details  | Date Added : 11/09/2009 | Downloaded 399 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_01118_the_purpose_of_nisyonos.pdf (0.03 MB Pages 2) | | | |  | y_01118_nisyonos_purpose.dwd (0.01 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Introduction to Teaching Limudei Kodesh Subjects: PowerPoint... (K_00748) | Contributor :Gittel Bloch (14 items) | | Description : This is PowerPoint
presentation serves as a
good introduction to
learning any subject in
limudei kodesh. It starts
with the... Details  | Date Added : 10/22/2009 | Downloaded 481 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | k_00748_introduction~sh_subjects.pdf (2.12 MB Pages 14) | | | |  | k_00748_introduction~sh_subjects.ppt (7.83 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Talmid Hashavua- Tefillah Incentive (Y_01110) | Contributor :Yossi Sokol (4 items) | | Description : A very successful
incentive program that
integrates an excitement
for bentching, davening,
and zemiros as well as
rewarding all... Details  | Date Added : 10/16/2009 | Downloaded 704 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | y_01110_talmid_hashavua.pdf (11.04 MB Pages 115) | | | |  | (3.92 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Notes for Discussion on Anger (A_00714) | Contributor :Sam Thurgood (3 items) | | Description : Notes for an interactive
class discussion on
Ka’as-Anger that
are presented as a give
and take between the
teacher and... Details  | Date Added : 09/29/2009 | Downloaded 258 time(s) | Grades : Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | a_00714_notes_for_di~on_on_anger.pdf (0.42 MB Pages 11) | | | |  | a_00714_anger.doc (0.61 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | “In My Boots”- A Story of Jewish Identity (R_01346) | Contributor :Yossi K (7 items) | | Description : A Jewish female soldier
stationed in Iraq, as
part of the US Navy,
talks about her strong
Jewish identity and her
desire to... Details  | Date Added : 09/04/2009 | Downloaded 369 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | r_01346_in_my_boots.pdf (0.11 MB Pages 4) | | | |  | r_01346_in_my_boots.doc (0.57 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Compilation of English Songs (R_01337) | Contributor :Miriam Lieff (5 items) | | Description : A beautifully designed
compilation of about 20
classic English-Jewish
songs that features the
songs formatted and
clearly typed... Details  | Date Added : 09/03/2009 | Downloaded 1355 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | r_01337_compilation_~glish_songs.pdf (7.82 MB Pages 24) | | | |  | r_01337_english_lyrics.doc (8.83 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Six Mitzvos Temidios Bookmark (Y_01100) | Contributor :Elisa Zehnwirth (1 item) | | Description : A handy bookmark for a
siddur or machzor that
has a list of the six
constant mitzvos in
English and in Hebrew.
These provide a... Details  | Date Added : 07/17/2009 | Downloaded 238 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | y_01100_six_mitzvos_~os_bookmark.pdf (0.09 MB Pages 2) | | | |  | y_01100_six_mitzvos_bookmark.doc (0.04 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | V’Ahavta L’Rei’acha Kamocha Scenario Booklet (Y_01047) | Contributor :Sara Gruenbaum (13 items) | | Description : A wonderful booklet which
focuses on the mitzvah of
L’Reicha Kamocha in
a clever, relevant way.
There are... Details  | Date Added : 07/16/2009 | Downloaded 886 time(s) | Grades : Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_01047_vahavta.pdf (0.30 MB Pages 35) | | | |  | y_01047.doc (0.81 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Yedios Klaliyos Chidon (Y_01096) | Contributor :Cyrel Brudny (3 items) | | Description : An annual school wide
contest on Yedios
Klaliyos which is
conducted between Pesach
and Shavuos. The booklet
contains... Details  | Date Added : 07/02/2009 | Downloaded 996 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | y_01096_yedios_klaliyos.pdf (0.65 MB Pages 42) | | | |  | y_01096_rules.dwd (0.01 MB) | | | |  | y_01096_yediot_klaliot_listing.dwd (4.11 MB) | | | |  | y_01096_cover.dwd (0.19 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Passport to Israel (I_00539) | Contributor :Chaya Teldon (3 items) | | Description : Use this passport to gain
entry to Eretz Yisrael on
an imaginary class trip.
Each classroom is
decorated like a
different city... Details  | Date Added : 06/16/2009 | Downloaded 883 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | i_00539_passport_to_israel.pdf (0.15 MB Pages 3) | | | |  | (0.39 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Synopsis Of Torah Umesorah Convention 2009 Major Addresses (TU_00002) | Contributor :* Torah Umesorah (8 items) | | Description : Rabbi Simcha Dessler of
the Hebrew Academy of
Cleveland compiled
this synopsis of
the inspiring keynote
addresses by... Details  | Date Added : 05/21/2009 | Downloaded 499 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School, High School, Administration, Adult | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | tu_00002_convention_09_hilights.pdf (0.10 MB Pages 6) | | | |  | tu_00002_convention_09_hilights.doc (0.06 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | “Be Proud” Cards-Middos Program (Yiddish) (R_01316) | Contributor :Mrs. Buxbaum (7 items) | | Description : This professional looking
card game serves as a
motivational technique
for the middos program of
“Vayigbah Leebo... Details  | Date Added : 05/05/2009 | Downloaded 329 time(s) | Grades : Elementary | | | Language : Yiddish | | |  | |  |  | r_01316_be_proud_cards.pdf (4.06 MB Pages 7) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | “BYM: Better Your Middos” Tznius Program (Y_01073) | Contributor :Bais Yaakov Of Spring Valley (8 items) | | Description : An excellent school-wide
program with a variety of
activities, projects,
newsletters and bulletin
board ideas to
implement... Details  | Date Added : 05/04/2009 | Downloaded 14 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School, Nursery, Pre-K/Pre-IA, Kindergarten | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_01073_better_your_~os___tznius.pdf (11.30 MB Pages 63) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Shemiras Haguf Program (Y_01076) | Contributor :Bais Yaakov Of Spring Valley (8 items) | | Description : Get in tip-top shape with
this shemiras haguf
school-wide program. Each
month has a different
activity, poem, prop or
event all... Details  | Date Added : 05/04/2009 | Downloaded 7 time(s) | Grades : High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_01076_shmiras_haguf_2.pdf (4.88 MB Pages 40) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Emes Play (R_01308) | Contributor :Shaindy Engelson (5 items) | | Description : Script of a play to be
used as a performance to
convey a specific message
about emes. Simi learns
the value and importance
of... Details  | Date Added : 04/24/2009 | Downloaded 384 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | r_01308_emes_play.pdf (0.39 MB Pages 10) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Achdus Play (R_01329) | Contributor :Shaindy Engelson (5 items) | | Description : Script of a play to be
used as a performance to
convey a specific message
about achdus. Chany and
Ruthy learn about the... Details  | Date Added : 04/24/2009 | Downloaded 926 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | r_01329_achdus_play.pdf (0.38 MB Pages 9) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Tznius Play (R_01330) | Contributor :Shaindy Engelson (5 items) | | Description : Script of a play to be
used as a performance to
convey a specific message
about tznius. A clothing
store grapples with... Details  | Date Added : 04/24/2009 | Downloaded 322 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | r_01330_tznius_play.pdf (0.32 MB Pages 9) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | The Mixed-Up Suitcase: A Play (R_01311) | Contributor :Risa Gross (9 items) | | Description : An editable Chanukah
script for girls
revolving around the
themes of sameach
bechelko, simcha and
p’sach leeby.... Details  | Date Added : 04/24/2009 | Downloaded 640 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | r_01311_the_mixed_up_suitcase.pdf (0.04 MB Pages 6) | | | |  | r_01311_play___mixed_up_suitcase.doc (0.04 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Script of Play: Nosei B’ol Im Chaveiro or “The... (R_01312) | Contributor :Risa Gross (9 items) | | Description : This colorful and true
play tells the story of
the Lower east
Side’s Pretzel lady
and her devotion of
harbotzas haTorah.... Details  | Date Added : 03/26/2009 | Downloaded 464 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | r_01312_actual_play.pdf (0.06 MB Pages 11) | | | |  | r_01312_actual_play.doc (0.05 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Incentive Pins For Yahadus Mitzvos Program (R_01313) | Contributor :Risa Gross (9 items) | | Description : Adorable pins worn each
Rosh Chodesh by the
students that reinforce
the Yahadus themes of the
year. The tznius pin
refers to... Details  | Date Added : 03/26/2009 | Downloaded 181 time(s) | Grades : Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | r_01313_incentive_pi~vos_program.pdf (0.11 MB Pages 1) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Middos Tovos Workbooks (Y_01042) | Contributor :Dovid Flagler (48 items) | | Description : Help the students work on
basic middos tovos with
these workbooks. Each
middah has its own
section with many stories
and... Details  | Date Added : 03/06/2009 | Downloaded 1366 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_01042_flagler_stor~midos_tovos.pdf (3.61 MB Pages 89) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Contests for Middos Tovos 2 (R_01309) | Contributor :Dovid Flagler (48 items) | | Description : Different contests that
emphasize the performance
of a middah outside of
school Middos to be
worked on include
v’ahavta... Details  | Date Added : 03/06/2009 | Downloaded 545 time(s) | Grades : Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | r_01309_flagler_contests.pdf (4.54 MB Pages 102) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Birkas HaChamah Workbooks and Poster (Y_01036) | Contributor :Avichai Pepper (35 items) | | Description : Two helpful booklets for
teaching about Birkas
HaChamah which will give
students a thorough basic
understanding of this... Details  | Date Added : 03/03/2009 | Downloaded 1175 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_01036_oseh_maase_p~nd_halachot.pdf (2.56 MB Pages 9) | | | |  | y_01036_birchat_hachama_ls.pdf (5.80 MB Pages 27) | | | |  | y_01036_birchat_hachama_ms.pdf (5.93 MB Pages 27) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Birchas HaChamah-Tekufos and Mazalos (Y_01037) | Contributor :YOSEF BENCHAVIV (1 item) | | Description : Charts of the tekufos
(four seasons) and of the
different mazalos
signs) which can be used
as a supplement... Details  | Date Added : 03/03/2009 | Downloaded 386 time(s) | Grades : High School, Adult | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_01037_zodiac_charts.pdf (0.12 MB Pages 3) | | | |  | y_01037_tekufos_chart.pdf (0.03 MB Pages 1) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Adopt a Chessed Program (A_00690) | Contributor :Yitzchok Kitay (2 items) | | Description : Create a greater
awareness for the needs
of poverty stricken
families in Eretz Yisrael
by launching this Adopt a
Chessed... Details  | Date Added : 02/23/2009 | Downloaded 165 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | a_00690_adopt_a_chessed_program.pdf (0.12 MB Pages 4) | | | |  | a_00690_br___educati~_principals.doc (0.04 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Derech Eretz Speech Bubbles (Y_01030) | Contributor :Aaron Pesach Weiner (25 items) | | Description : Forty three speech
bubbles that have
comments, questions and
remarks all formulated in
polite, derech eretz
speech, such as... Details  | Date Added : 02/09/2009 | Downloaded 442 time(s) | Grades : Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_01030_derech_eretz_bubbles.pdf (0.05 MB Pages 43) | | | |  | y_01030_derech_eretz_bubbles.doc (0.03 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | “Hashem Is Always Watching” Story of R’... (K_00714) | Contributor :Rochele Abraham (11 items) | | Description : A PowerPoint presentation
detailing a story about
R' Zundel of Salant where
he teaches a wagon driver
the lesson that Hashem
is... Details  | Date Added : 02/02/2009 | Downloaded 947 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | k_00714_hashem_is_al~ys_watching.pdf (2.70 MB Pages 10) | | | |  | k_00714_rzundel.ppt (3.15 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Shmiras Halashon/ Lashon Tov Program (Y_01028) | Contributor :Aaron Pesach Weiner (25 items) | | Description : Inculcate awareness for
and appreciation of the
mitzvah of shmiras
halashon in our students
with this school-wide
program which... Details  | Date Added : 01/29/2009 | Downloaded 1037 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_01028_shemiras_haloshon.pdf (1.10 MB Pages 32) | | | |  | y_01028_shemiras_haloshon.dwd (1.61 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Hakaras Hatov Program (Y_01027) | Contributor :Aaron Pesach Weiner (25 items) | | Description : Engage your students in a
comprehensive hakaras
hatov unit that can be
done in school and at
home. The unit includes
basic... Details  | Date Added : 01/20/2009 | Downloaded 974 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_01027_hakoras_hatov.pdf (0.73 MB Pages 16) | | | |  | y_01027_hakoras_hatov.dwd (0.68 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Self-Confidence Poster (K_00711) | Contributor :Anonymous Anonymous (33 items) | | Description : A great classroom poster
which clearly depicts
that we can rely on
Hashem even in the most
trying times. This can
be the... Details  | Date Added : 01/16/2009 | Downloaded 421 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School, High School | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | k_00711_self_confidence_poster.pdf (0.07 MB Pages 1) | | | |  | k_00711self_confidence.jpg (0.15 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Short Film About Chessed (K_00708) | Contributor :Rochele Abraham (11 items) | | Description : Use this short clip to
illustrate very clearly
how famous and well-known
it is that Jews help one
another. The film is
about... Details  | Date Added : 01/15/2009 | Downloaded 945 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | k_00708_short_film_about_chessed.pdf (0.01 MB Pages 1) | | | |  | k_00708_chessed_car.wmv (6.03 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Why We Read Megillas Rus PowerPoint Presentation (B_01336) | Contributor :Rochele Abraham (11 items) | | Description : An overview of the story
of Rus as well as reasons
why we read this megillah
on Shavuos are presented
in the first
PowerPoint.... Details  | Date Added : 01/13/2009 | Downloaded 2210 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | b_01336_why_do_we_re~egillas_rus.pdf (0.63 MB Pages 15) | | | |  | b_01336_rus2.ppt (0.52 MB) | | | |  | b_01336_rus.ppt (0.72 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Tribute to Mother Poem (Y_01021) | Contributor :Chani Biron (1 item) | | Description : A touching, poignant poem
extolling all of the
wonderful virtues of a
mother. This is a good
poem to use as part of a
unit on... Details  | Date Added : 01/12/2009 | Downloaded 503 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_01021_mother_poem_tribute.pdf (0.05 MB Pages 3) | | | |  | y_01021_mother_poem_~toras_emes_.doc (0.46 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Ahavas Yisrael Program (Y_01018) | Contributor :Aaron Pesach Weiner (25 items) | | Description : Inculcate the mitzvah of
Ahavas Yisrael in your
students with this
school-wide program
which can be completed in
a few... Details  | Date Added : 01/08/2009 | Downloaded 786 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | y_01018_ahavat_yisroel.pdf (0.64 MB Pages 22) | | | |  | y_01018_ahavat_yisroel.dwd (0.72 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | School-Wide Chessed Program (Y_01019) | Contributor :Aaron Pesach Weiner (25 items) | | Description : Engage your students in a
comprehensive Chessed
unit that can be done in
school and at home. The
unit includes basic... Details  | Date Added : 01/08/2009 | Downloaded 538 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | y_01019_chesed_programs.pdf (0.94 MB Pages 21) | | | |  | y_01019_chesed_programs.dwd (1.63 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Kibud Av V’Eim Program (Y_01020) | Contributor :Aaron Pesach Weiner (25 items) | | Description : A month-long program
promoting the mitzvah of
Kibud Av V’Eim.
Details of the mitzvah,
inspiring stories, raffle
tickets... Details  | Date Added : 01/08/2009 | Downloaded 1098 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | y_01020_kibud_av_vaim.pdf (0.67 MB Pages 29) | | | |  | y_01020_kibud_av_vaim.dwd (0.58 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | “I Am An Important Person” Poster (P_00587) | Contributor :Yaakov Aichenbaum (12 items) | | Description : Self-esteem is an area
that many students are
lacking. This poster
promotes the idea that
every person is important
and nobody... Details  | Date Added : 01/06/2009 | Downloaded 615 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School, Administration | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | p_00587_i_am_an_important_person.pdf (0.08 MB Pages 2) | | | |  | p_00587_i_am_an_important_person.doc (1.64 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Mishlei Curriculum-Hebrew (B_01321) | Contributor :Torah Umesorah Walder Education Pavilion (604 items) | | Description : A curriculum for Sefer
Mishlei which has the
sefer organized and
divided into topics
(inyanim). Each inyan has
the relevant... Details  | Date Added : 01/02/2009 | Downloaded 598 time(s) | Grades : High School | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | b_01321_mishlei_curriculum.pdf (4.99 MB Pages 298) | | | |  | b_01321_04_mishlei_1.pdf (2.26 MB Pages 148) | | | |  | b_01321_02_mishlei_hakdama_2.pdf (0.95 MB Pages 53) | | | |  | b_01321_01_mishlei_hakdama.pdf (0.22 MB Pages 14) | | | |  | b_01321_03_mishlei_perek_3.pdf (0.95 MB Pages 57) | | | |  | b_01321_05_mishlei_l~shes_chayil.pdf (0.44 MB Pages 25) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | New and Exciting Middah of the Month Activities (O_01234) | Contributor :Donna Zeffren (194 items) | | Description : An innovative and
creative approach to the
Middah of the Month which
offers varied ideas for
school-wide middos
programs for... Details  | Date Added : 12/30/2008 | Downloaded 826 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | o_01234_middah_of_th~_activities.pdf (0.05 MB Pages 4) | | | |  | o_01234_middah_of_th~_activities.doc (0.02 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Zerizus Gram (Y_01009) | Contributor :Marcia Zlochower (78 items) | | Description : Encourage students to use
the middah of zerizus
when they act by having
the teachers and parents
fill out the zerizus
gram.... Details  | Date Added : 12/09/2008 | Downloaded 268 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_01009_zerizus_gram.pdf (0.05 MB Pages 2) | | | |  | y_01009_zerizus_gram.dwd (0.17 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | “Ve’hagisa Bo Yomam Valayla” Poster (K_00696) | Contributor :Avichai Pepper (35 items) | | Description : An attractive poster that
depicts the pasuk from
Yehoshua (1:8) that a
person should study Torah
day and night. The
poster... Details  | Date Added : 11/12/2008 | Downloaded 186 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | k_00696_ve_poster.pdf (0.59 MB Pages 2) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Building Middos Bulletin Board (NY_00001) | Contributor :Chaim And Chaya Baila Wolf Teacher Center Torah Umesorah (529 items) | | Description : This is a bulletin board
that can be used
year-round to help
students build and work
on a different middah
each month, i.e... Details  | Date Added : 11/06/2008 | Downloaded 771 time(s) | Grades : Elementary | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | ny_00001_bb_building_middos.pdf (1.57 MB Pages 11) | | | |  | (2.72 MB) | | | |  | ny_00001_building_middos_large.pdf (4.21 MB Pages 11) | | | |  | (6.78 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | V'Ahavtah L'Rayechah Kamochah Poster (R_01284) | Contributor :Avichai Pepper (35 items) | | Description : A colorful poster
featuring an unlikely
pair, a polar bear and a
dog, who are friends. It
is a nice visual way to
reinforce the... Details  | Date Added : 10/03/2008 | Downloaded 296 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | r_01284_love_your_friend.pdf (0.14 MB Pages 3) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Birkas Hashachar Booklet (Y_00997) | Contributor :Marcia Zlochower (78 items) | | Description : This booklet helps boys
master the order and
meaning of the early
morning tefillos and
brachos. It includes the
complete text... Details  | Date Added : 10/03/2008 | Downloaded 2042 time(s) | Grades : Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00997_birchos_hashachar.pdf (0.39 MB Pages 11) | | | |  | y_00997_birchos_hashachar.dwd (0.92 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Pisgamim Posters (Y_00995) | Contributor :Yehudis Rosenberg (3 items) | | Description : Colorful posters
depicting various
pisgamim, including
“Im lo
achshav” and Al
and... Details  | Date Added : 09/25/2008 | Downloaded 747 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | y_00995_pisgamim_posters.pdf (1.20 MB Pages 7) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Levels of Giving Tzedakah (L_01229) | Contributor :Marcia Zlochower (78 items) | | Description : This is a one-page
summary of the levels of
giving tzedakah, starting
with giving a person a
job or a loan and going
through... Details  | Date Added : 09/05/2008 | Downloaded 671 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | l_01229_tzedakah.pdf (0.20 MB Pages 2) | | | |  | l_01229_tzedakah.dwd (0.44 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Pirkei Avos Booklet (Y_00990) | Contributor :Chaim And Chaya Baila Wolf Teacher Center Torah Umesorah (529 items) | | Description : A Pirkei Avos booklet
with drawings depicting
different scenes from the
mishnayos. Students need
to write which mishnah
the... Details  | Date Added : 07/25/2008 | Downloaded 2500 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | y_00990_pirkei_avos_booklet.pdf (9.46 MB Pages 154) | | | |  | (6.42 MB) | | | |  | (3.03 MB) | | | |  | (7.35 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Story: “In the Merit of a Mitzvah” (R_01240) | Contributor :Yosef Shidler (7 items) | | Description : This story in English is
about the reward that a
chassid gets for pidyon
shevuyim. The story has
a moral and also
includes... Details  | Date Added : 06/12/2008 | Downloaded 251 time(s) | Grades : Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | r_01240_story_merit_of_mitzvah.pdf (0.10 MB Pages 3) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Mitzvah Feast (Y_00987) | Contributor :TP Torah Prep School, St. Louis MO (30 items) | | Description : A creative, innovative,
interactive fair that was
presented by the students
for the whole community.
Each grade researched
a... Details  | Date Added : 05/11/2008 | Downloaded 672 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School, Kindergarten | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | y_00987mitzvah_feast.pdf (16.57 MB Pages 39) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Learning Middos Tovos From the Parsha (Y_00964) | Contributor :Dovid Flagler (48 items) | | Description : Inculcate middos tovos in
your students by exposing
them to different stories
about gedolim who
exhibited exemplary
middos.... Details  | Date Added : 04/02/2008 | Downloaded 2478 time(s) | Grades : Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00964_learning_middos_tovos_v1.pdf (1.84 MB Pages 79) | | | |  | y_00964_learning_mid~ovos_1_3_v2.pdf (1.94 MB Pages 28) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Yamim Tovim Booklet - Part 1 (L_01205) | Contributor :Dovid Flagler (48 items) | | Description : This is part 1 of a
two-part booklet which
covers all the yamim
tovim of the year. There
are translations of
tefillos,... Details  | Date Added : 03/12/2008 | Downloaded 1842 time(s) | Grades : Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | l_01205_yomim_tovim1.pdf (3.44 MB Pages 113) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Yamim Tovim Booklet - Part 2 (L_01206) | Contributor :Dovid Flagler (48 items) | | Description : This is part 2 of a
two-part booklet which
covers all the yamim
tovim of the year. There
are translations of
tefillos,... Details  | Date Added : 03/12/2008 | Downloaded 1288 time(s) | Grades : Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | l_01206_yomim_tovim2.pdf (4.88 MB Pages 135) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Middos Tovos Workbooks (Y_00962) | Contributor :Dovid Flagler (48 items) | | Description : Help the students work on
basic middos tovos with
these workbooks. Each
middah has its own
section with many stories
and... Details  | Date Added : 03/07/2008 | Downloaded 1065 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00962middos_tovos_workbooks.pdf (4.42 MB Pages 120) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Contests for Middos Tovos (Y_00967) | Contributor :Dovid Flagler (48 items) | | Description : Different contests for
every month of the school
year that emphasize the
performance of a middah
and hasmadah in
learning... Details  | Date Added : 03/07/2008 | Downloaded 493 time(s) | Grades : Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00967_contests_for~iddos_tovos.pdf (2.84 MB Pages 90) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Kibud Av V'Eim Booklet and Contest (Y_00969) | Contributor :Dovid Flagler (48 items) | | Description : This booklet includes
stories and sources about
the mitzvah of kibud av
v'eim as well as two
versions of a contest
(one for... Details  | Date Added : 02/13/2008 | Downloaded 1105 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00969kibud_av_vaim.pdf (0.58 MB Pages 23) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Learning Middos Tovos from Stories About Rav Pam (Y_00971) | Contributor :Dovid Flagler (48 items) | | Description : Short inspiring stories
about Rav Pam that
illustrate how he acted
with a certain middah
tovah. Comprehension
questions follow... Details  | Date Added : 02/11/2008 | Downloaded 853 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, G-4, G-5 | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00971learning_mido~out_rav_pam.pdf (1.01 MB Pages 16) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | A Collection of Stories and Articles (Y_00972) | Contributor :Dovid Flagler (48 items) | | Description : An impressive compilation
of hundreds of stories,
articles and letters that
relate to many different
middos, hanhagos tovos
and... Details  | Date Added : 02/11/2008 | Downloaded 3237 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00972important_sto~___articles.pdf (3.81 MB Pages 134) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | A Collection of Stories and Articles- Part 2 (Y_00973) | Contributor :Dovid Flagler (48 items) | | Description : An impressive compilation
of hundreds of stories,
articles and letters that
relate to many different
middos, hanhagos tovos
and... Details  | Date Added : 02/11/2008 | Downloaded 1484 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00973important_sto~t_2_revised.pdf (7.15 MB Pages 148) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Middos Tovos Workbook-Hakaras Hatov (Y_00970) | Contributor :Dovid Flagler (48 items) | | Description : Short stories and
anecdotes about different
gedolim and how they
expressed the middah of
hakaras hatov in
various... Details  | Date Added : 01/25/2008 | Downloaded 841 time(s) | Grades : Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00970_middos_tovos_workbook.pdf (0.99 MB Pages 40) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Ahavas Chinam Racetrack (K_00680) | Contributor :Raphael Bornstein (15 items) | | Description : A motivational chart to
encourage students to
speak of others nicely,
with Ahavas Chinam and to
notice any chessed that
is done... Details  | Date Added : 01/22/2008 | Downloaded 271 time(s) | Grades : Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | k_00680racetrack.pdf (1.12 MB Pages 6) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Letter from the Yetzer Harah (Y_00960) | Contributor :Anonymous Anonymous (33 items) | | Description : A sincere letter from one
of our greatest enemies,
the Yetzer Harah, where
he candidly explains his
real role in our lives
and... Details  | Date Added : 01/01/2008 | Downloaded 483 time(s) | Grades : Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00960yetzer_hara_letter.pdf (0.09 MB Pages 3) | | | |  | y_00960yetzer_hara_letter.doc (0.03 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Project DERECH Supplement (Y_00958) | Contributor :Sender Haber (23 items) | | Description : In an attempt to give an
extra shot of caffeine to
Project Derech, the
iDerech program was
launched. Students get
special... Details  | Date Added : 12/11/2007 | Downloaded 408 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00958_derech.pdf (0.25 MB Pages 8) | | | |  | y_00958_derech.dwd (0.02 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | How-To-Shabbos and Yom Tov Davening (S_00560) | Contributor :Avigail Wonder (19 items) | | Description : An organized guide to
help students learn the
order of the Shabbos and
Yom Tov davening and also
what to do during
Kriyas... Details  | Date Added : 12/03/2007 | Downloaded 447 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | s_00560_how_to_in_shul.pdf (0.70 MB Pages 6) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Brachos Curriculum and Worksheets (SB_031) | Contributor :Judy Neuberger (11 items) | | Description : This curriculum teaches
some of the hashkofa and
halachos of brachos.
Illustrations and
worksheets with varied
activities... Details  | Date Added : 11/07/2007 | Downloaded 1904 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 1093-sb_031.pdf (2.06 MB Pages 35) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Uncle Moishy Song Lyrics (O_01165) | Contributor :Ozer Herzog (1 item) | | Description : The transcribed lyrics
for two of Uncle Moishy's
songs will allow you to
not only tap your feet in
rhythm of the song but
also... Details  | Date Added : 10/30/2007 | Downloaded 969 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | o_01165_uncle_moishy_song_lyrics.pdf (0.11 MB Pages 4) | | | |  | o_01165_uncle_moishy_song_lyrics.doc (0.03 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Hilchos Teshuvah Quiz (Y_00952) | Contributor :Aryeh Leifert (2 items) | | Description : This is a 15-question
quiz covering topics in
the first 3 chapters of
Rambam's Hilchos
Teshuvah. It may be
expanded or... Details  | Date Added : 09/20/2007 | Downloaded 387 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, G-4, G-5 | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00952_hilchos_teshuva_quiz.pdf (0.07 MB Pages 3) | | | |  | y_00952_hilchos_teshuvah_quiz.doc (0.03 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Tishah B'Av Workshop (Y_00928) | Contributor :Chaya Appel (1 item) | | Description : An interactive workshop
whose goal is to get the
girls thinking about what
happened on Tishah B'Av,
how it affects and
relates... Details  | Date Added : 07/23/2007 | Downloaded 1392 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00928tisha_b.pdf (0.15 MB Pages 5) | | | | ![5867_the_ninth_of_av[1].pub 5867_the_ninth_of_av[1].pub]( | 5867_the_ninth_of_av[1].pub (0.08 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Derech Eretz Kadmah LaTorah (Y_00927) | Contributor :MOSHE BOEHM (9 items) | | Description : A blank lined paper with
the words Derech Eretz
Kadmah LaTorah at the
top. If students need a
reminder about their
behavior,... Details  | Date Added : 07/23/2007 | Downloaded 374 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, G-9 | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00927_derech_eretz_kodmah.pdf (0.03 MB Pages 2) | | | |  | y_00927_derech_eretz_kodmah.doc (0.03 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Hakaras Hatov Cards (Y_00912) | Contributor :C.Fried M. Dilman (Zisovitch) (37 items) | | Description : Students get to express
their appreciation to
teachers, principals,
school staff members by
sending these hakaras
hatov cards.... Details  | Date Added : 06/25/2007 | Downloaded 332 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, G-4, G-5 | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00912_hakaras_hatov.pdf (0.12 MB Pages 2) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Yedios Klaliyos Program (Y_00908) | Contributor :Shira Hochheimer (30 items) | | Description : A Yedios Klaliyos program
that covers a variety of
topics and has two tracks
so it can be adapted to
any class. There is
the... Details  | Date Added : 06/14/2007 | Downloaded 1232 time(s) | Grades : High School | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | y_00908yedios_klaliyos_program.pdf (2.64 MB Pages 102) | | | |  | (5.45 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Power of Influence (Y_00904) | Contributor :Shoshana Rosenberg (4 items) | | Description : Students are asked to
think about and
contemplate the effect
that our surroundings and
our friends have on us
and their power... Details  | Date Added : 06/08/2007 | Downloaded 535 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00904_5758_power_o~uence_sheet.pdf (0.09 MB Pages 3) | | | |  | y_00904_5758_power_o~uence_sheet.dwd (0.04 MB) | | | |  | wk_sheet_on_influence.dwd (0.04 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Yedios Klaliyos Unit (Y_00906) | Contributor :Dovid Cohen (47 items) | | Description : A selection of different
topics in Yedios Klaliyos
as found in Chumash and
other trivia for students
to memorize. Can be
used... Details  | Date Added : 06/06/2007 | Downloaded 1548 time(s) | Grades : Elementary | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | y_00906_yedios_klalios.pdf (0.58 MB Pages 23) | | | |  | y_00906_yedios_klalios.dwd (1.85 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Hakaras Hatov Cards (Y_00905) | Contributor :Chana Shayna Gansburg (9 items) | | Description : These cards help students
show the middah of
hakaras hatov in a
concrete manner.
Students write down what
they would like to... Details  | Date Added : 06/05/2007 | Downloaded 457 time(s) | Grades : Elementary | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | y_00905_thankyouhako~shatovchart.pdf (0.33 MB Pages 2) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | "Choose the Torah Way” Keychain/Button (R_01051) | Contributor :C.Fried M. Dilman (Zisovitch) (37 items) | | Description : These buttons were
distributed as part of a
G.O. theme of
"Derachehah darchei
noam”. The picture
uses the image of a... Details  | Date Added : 05/18/2007 | Downloaded 148 time(s) | Grades : Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | r_01051_choose_the_torah_way.pdf (0.32 MB Pages 2) | | | |  | r_01051_choose_the_torah_way.pdf (0.37 MB Pages 2) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Gedolim Stories with Pictures (Y_00902) | Contributor : Unknown (54 items) | | Description : A collection of inspiring
and uplifting stories
about a cross-section of
Gedolim, spanning the
Rishonim period until
modern... Details  | Date Added : 05/04/2007 | Downloaded 1732 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, G-6, G-7 | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00902_gedolim_stories.pdf (1.72 MB Pages 30) | | | |  | (1.68 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | “V'Ahavtah L'Rayechah Kamochah” Girl (O_01132) | Contributor :Chavi Matitia (31 items) | | Description : This can be used as a
Rosh Chodesh Iyar
activity. Each student
had to come up with an
original logo to draw on
the girl's... Details  | Date Added : 05/03/2007 | Downloaded 866 time(s) | Grades : Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | o_01132_a284_v`ahavt~amocha_girl.pdf (0.10 MB Pages 1) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Points to Remember Before Shemoneh Esrei (Y_00882) | Contributor :Shaima Goldberg (4 items) | | Description : Help focus your students'
(and your) thoughts by
reviewing this list of
pointers before starting
Shemoneh Esrei. Tips on
what... Details  | Date Added : 04/27/2007 | Downloaded 762 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00882_shemoneh_esrei.pdf (0.04 MB Pages 5) | | | |  | y_00882_shemoneh_esrei.dwd (0.02 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Talmidas Hashavua (R_01009) | Contributor :Rivky Greenberger (25 items) | | Description : An incentive technique to
reward good behavior and
middos during the week.
Two students are chosen
to be the talmid/ah of
the... Details  | Date Added : 12/12/2006 | Downloaded 324 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 5390-r_01009talmidashashavuah.pdf (0.11 MB Pages 2) | | | |  | 5390-r_01009talmidashashavuah.dwd (0.51 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | "Ki Heim Chayeinu" (SB_00150) | Contributor :Chaya Hoffman (2 items) | | Description : Students write a summary
of each perek covered in
class and focus
specifically on what
lessons from the perek
are applicable to... Details  | Date Added : 10/30/2006 | Downloaded 290 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 1217-sb_00150kiheim.pdf (0.56 MB Pages 5) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Skits on Dan Lkaf Zechus (Y_00500) | Contributor :Pnina Nitsun (5 items) | | Description : An entire selection of
skits that are short,
humorous, and pointed -
demonstrating how to
fulfill the mitzvah of
Dan L'kaf Zechus. Details  | Date Added : 09/17/2006 | Downloaded 995 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School, Adult | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00500_set_100_skits___nitsun.pdf (5.67 MB Pages 67) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Simcha-grams and Middos-grams (Y_00510-007) | Contributor :Marcia Zlochower (78 items) | | Description : Forms for simcha grams
and Middos grams;
appropriate for students
to send to each other or
for teachers to present
to their... Details  | Date Added : 09/17/2006 | Downloaded 411 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00510_007_set_203_~iddos_grams.pdf (0.11 MB Pages 3) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Yom Iyun: Aseres Yemei Teshuvah (Y_00767) | Contributor : Bais Yaakov Of Queens (8 items) | | Description : A personal guide to
self-introspection geared
specifically towards the
Aseres Yemei Teshuvah.
Students are asked to
work on 10... Details  | Date Added : 08/30/2006 | Downloaded 1273 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00767_chesbon_hanafesh_plan.pdf (0.58 MB Pages 52) | | | |  | y_00767_chesbon_hanafesh_plan.doc (0.56 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Elul Survey (Y_00876) | Contributor :Estee Rosenthal Cohen (26 items) | | Description : Use this Elul survey as a
way to introduce a unit
on Teshuvah or as an ice
breaker at the beginning
of the year. Students
rate... Details  | Date Added : 08/30/2006 | Downloaded 628 time(s) | Grades : Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00876_elul_survey_complete.pdf (0.03 MB Pages 2) | | | |  | y_00876_elul_survey_complete.dwd (0.01 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | About Davening Contest (Y_00523) | Contributor :Dov Elefant (3 items) | | Description : This comprehensive
program is in an exciting
contest form and covers
general information on
tefilla and proper
conduct,... Details  | Date Added : 06/11/2006 | Downloaded 892 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00523_elefant___davening.pdf (0.25 MB Pages 14) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Appreciating the Creator (Y_00866) | Contributor :Malkah Danziger (30 items) | | Description : This series of homework
sheets is based on the
idea that Hashem created
a perfect world with our
best interests in mind.
The... Details  | Date Added : 05/11/2006 | Downloaded 1043 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00866appreciating_the_creator5.pdf (1.65 MB Pages 37) | | | |  | y_00866_hashem_made_~_male_voice.mp3 (0.85 MB) | | | |  | y_00866appreciating_the_creator5.dwd (2.15 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Mother's Day - Hakaras Hatov Card (Y_00792) | Contributor :Etti Siegel (23 items) | | Description : A Hebrew poem which
thanks mothers for all
the wonderful things that
they do. Can be pasted
into a card for Mother's
Day. Details  | Date Added : 05/11/2006 | Downloaded 576 time(s) | Grades : Elementary | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | 5012-y_00792mothersdaycard.pdf (0.27 MB Pages 4) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Early Childhood Pesach Curriculum (L_00993) | Contributor :Elana Rubin (48 items) | | Description : A comprehensive
integrated, child
centered curriculum for
Pesach, for the
development of the whole
child including *
The... Details  | Date Added : 03/30/2006 | Downloaded 2696 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | l_00993_pesach_curriculum.pdf (2.39 MB Pages 66) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Bikur Cholim Buddies (Y_00525) | Contributor :Miriam Tova Leff (14 items) | | Description : Hand illustrated Bikur
Cholim sheet with space
for absent student's name
and phone number. Details  | Date Added : 03/06/2006 | Downloaded 614 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00525leff_beker_cholim.pdf (0.07 MB Pages 2) | | | |  | 696-y_00525leffbekercholim.doc (0.07 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Tzedakah Worksheets (Y_00861) | Contributor :Chasida Gross (13 items) | | Description : These sheets, written in
Hebrew, give the sources
for the mitzvah of
tzedakah from the Torah
as well as practical
halachos... Details  | Date Added : 02/24/2006 | Downloaded 596 time(s) | Grades : Middle School | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | 4870-y_00861tzedakahworksheets.pdf (0.26 MB Pages 4) | | | |  | 4870-y_00861tzedakahworksheets.dwd (0.43 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Awards (R_01178) | Contributor :Donna Zeffren (194 items) | | Description : This series of varied
awards for good behavior
and middos is sure to
make any child proud.
There are awards for
sharing, being... Details  | Date Added : 02/21/2006 | Downloaded 772 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | r_01178_awards.pdf (0.54 MB Pages 5) | | | |  | r_01178_awards.doc (1.26 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | A Middos Contest: "Be A Holy Nation" (Y_00786) | Contributor :Khavi Rosenshein (9 items) | | Description : A wonderful middos
contest which stresses
the performance of four
specific middos: kavod
habriyos, lashon tov, dan
l'kaf... Details  | Date Added : 02/07/2006 | Downloaded 605 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00786_be_a_holy_nation.pdf (0.95 MB Pages 6) | | | |  | y_00786_be_a_holy_nation.dwd (2.12 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Song: The Gift of Tefillah (Y_00853) | Contributor :Chani Altein (2 items) | | Description : This song about tefillah
(t.t.t.o. Esah Einai)
underscores the important
ideas that Hashem is
always listening to our
prayers... Details  | Date Added : 01/11/2006 | Downloaded 610 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 4763-y_00853thegiftoftefillah.pdf (0.07 MB Pages 2) | | | |  | 4763-y_00853thegiftoftefillah.doc (0.02 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | License To Love Torah (K_00649) | Contributor :Tuvya Peromsik (56 items) | | Description : Hebrew license plate.
Might work well as a
classroom poster or
computer desktop
background. If you live
in Washington State,... Details  | Date Added : 01/05/2006 | Downloaded 193 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 3469-k_00649licenseb~roundhebrew.jpg (0.28 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | V'ahavtah L'rayechah Kamochah Song (Y_00834) | Contributor :Elana Rubin (48 items) | | Description : Great as a poster for
circle time, as children
follow along while
singing this popular song
they practice reading
readiness in... Details  | Date Added : 12/25/2005 | Downloaded 1787 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | 4441-y_00834fixkamocharubin.pdf (0.03 MB Pages 1) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Mitzvah Chart (R_00968) | Contributor :Matatia Chetrit (7 items) | | Description : A Mitzvah Chart to help
parents/teachers motivate
their children to do
mitzvos and cultivate
good Middos. Chart
available in... Details  | Date Added : 11/23/2005 | Downloaded 1006 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School, Administration | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 4656-r_00968mitzvahchart.pdf (0.23 MB Pages 3) | | | |  | (1.34 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Science in the Jewish Community Science Fair (A_00646) | Contributor :Shulamis Goldberg (1 item) | | Description : A fascinating science
fair which integrated
Judaic studies and
secular curriculum.
Perfect opportunity for
students to learn... Details  | Date Added : 11/17/2005 | Downloaded 256 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 3808-a_00646sciencefair.pdf (0.68 MB Pages 15) | | | |  | 3808-a_00646sciencefair.doc (0.58 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Talmidas Hayom Chart (R_00715) | Contributor :Etti Siegel (23 items) | | Description : An innovative
self-management chart for
young students to help
each one be the
"Talmid(a) of the Day"
every day. Edit for... Details  | Date Added : 09/26/2005 | Downloaded 373 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 3686-r_00715.pdf (0.06 MB Pages 2) | | | |  | 3686-r_00715.doc (0.05 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Big Sister/Little Sister Program (R_00964) | Contributor :TP Torah Prep School, St. Louis MO (30 items) | | Description : General guidelines and
suggestions to implement
a meaningful "Big
sister" friendship
as a school... Details  | Date Added : 09/26/2005 | Downloaded 125 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 4600-r_00964bigsister.pdf (0.10 MB Pages 2) | | | |  | 4600-r_00964bigsister.doc (0.05 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Aseres Y'mei Teshuvah: Countdown of Mitzvos (L_00933) | Contributor :Mindy Deitsch (11 items) | | Description : A cut and paste activity
to make the concept of
Aseres Y'mei Teshuvah
tangible to your
students. Mitzvos are
selected from... Details  | Date Added : 09/20/2005 | Downloaded 638 time(s) | Grades : Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | l_00933_aseres_ymei_teshuva.pdf (0.27 MB Pages 6) | | | |  | l_00933_aseres_ymei_teshuva.dwd (0.69 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Working Moznayim Mitzvos Activity Bulletin Board (Y_00839) | Contributor :Huvie Schabes (1 item) | | Description : Interactive teaching tool
for reviewing/introducing
two different categories
of mitzvos. A working
"moznayim"... Details  | Date Added : 09/06/2005 | Downloaded 216 time(s) | Grades : Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 4571-y_00839workingm~tivityboard.pdf (0.09 MB Pages 2) | | | |  | 4571-y_00839workingm~tivityboard.doc (0.15 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | "Neshamale" (Y_00838) | Contributor :Sherri Kaye (10 items) | | Description : A mashal with an
accompanying poster to be
presented shortly after
the Yamim Noraim about a
young princess named... Details  | Date Added : 09/02/2005 | Downloaded 773 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00838_neshamale.pdf (0.07 MB Pages 3) | | | |  | y_00838_neshamale.dwd (0.26 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Workshop for Elul: Cheshbon HaNefesh (Y_00837) | Contributor :Donna Zeffren (194 items) | | Description : This workshop for the
month of Elul, although
originally designed for
high school, has been
successfully delivered to
classes... Details  | Date Added : 09/01/2005 | Downloaded 816 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00837_workshop_for~on_hanefesh.pdf (0.08 MB Pages 5) | | | |  | y_00837_workshop_for~on_hanefesh.doc (0.04 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Middah of the Week (K_00642) | Contributor :Elana Rubin (48 items) | | Description : Beautiful original
artwork to be used as
middah of the week
template for newsletters
and worksheets. Details  | Date Added : 05/19/2005 | Downloaded 558 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary, Administration | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 4443-k_00642middaoftheweek.pdf (0.04 MB Pages 1) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Asher Yatzar (K_00640) | Contributor :Chananya Kramer (23 items) | | Description : Rav Avrohom Krohn speaks
about the brachah of
Asher Yatzar. Details  | Date Added : 05/13/2005 | Downloaded 438 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School, Adult | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 4348-k_00640-asheryatzar.wmv (1.36 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | The Parsha Their Way - Bereishis (B_00932) | Contributor :Elana Rubin (48 items) | | Description : A whole language approach
to teaching parsha to
preschool. Curriculum for
teaching Bereishis
includes middah of the
week,... Details  | Date Added : 05/10/2005 | Downloaded 1290 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 4339-b_00932.pdf (2.81 MB Pages 68) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | 13 Ikkarim in Emunah for Lower Elementary (Y_00824) | Contributor :Estee Rosenthal Cohen (26 items) | | Description : The 13 Ikkarim in Emunah
based on the principles
summarized in Yigdal.
Should be used with a
Siddur that has Yigdal in
it.... Details  | Date Added : 05/09/2005 | Downloaded 454 time(s) | Grades : Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 4271-y_00824-13ikurim.pdf (0.12 MB Pages 14) | | | |  | 4271-y_00824-13ikurim.dwd (0.03 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Honoring Your Parents Booklet (Y_00822) | Contributor :Chasida Gross (13 items) | | Description : Short booklet addressing
the mitzva of honoring
one's parents. Includes
halachos, story, and
blank letter to parents. Details  | Date Added : 03/24/2005 | Downloaded 1048 time(s) | Grades : Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 3966-y_00822-honorparents.pdf (0.40 MB Pages 5) | | | |  | 3966-honorparents.pdf (0.38 MB Pages 0) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | The Ten Commandments (B_00937) | Contributor :Shmuel Krawatsky (9 items) | | Description : A one page chart of the
Ten Commandments in
Hebrew and English
showing how the mitzvos
relate to bein adam
lamakom and bein... Details  | Date Added : 03/24/2005 | Downloaded 863 time(s) | Grades : Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | b_00937_tencommandements.pdf (0.05 MB Pages 1) | | | |  | 4080-b_00937-tencommandements.dwd (0.01 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Questions Regarding Tefillah (Y_00821) | Contributor :Maimon Elbaz (39 items) | | Description : Thorough questions and
answers with sources
relating to Tefillah and
Shemoneh Esrei. These
were notes that
accompanied a slide... Details  | Date Added : 03/15/2005 | Downloaded 934 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 4139-y_00821smallpri~testanswers.pdf (0.24 MB Pages 9) | | | |  | 4139-y_00821smallpri~testanswers.doc (0.11 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Odeh Hashem B'chol Libi (Y_00811) | Contributor :Mindy Deitsch (11 items) | | Description : The class explored the
theme of how much Hashem
loves us, how that love
is manifested in so many
ways and how grateful we
are... Details  | Date Added : 02/15/2005 | Downloaded 359 time(s) | Grades : Elementary | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | 4048-y_00811.pdf (0.18 MB Pages 3) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Values Clarification Workshop (R_00787) | Contributor : Unknown (54 items) | | Description : Workshop to do with high
school or post high
school students to
evaluate rewards.
Detailed instructions
included. Details  | Date Added : 01/06/2005 | Downloaded 388 time(s) | Grades : High School, Adult | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | r_00787.pdf (0.12 MB Pages 2) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | "Pinchosio" (Y_00809) | Contributor : Bais Yaakov Of Queens (8 items) | | Description : A play depicting the
essence of the Jewish
person as the neshamah
and the ability to work
on developing middos
tovos through a... Details  | Date Added : 12/28/2004 | Downloaded 631 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 3937-y_00809pinchosio.pdf (0.99 MB Pages 10) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Teves Bulletin Board (K_00618) | Contributor : Unknown (54 items) | | Description : Photograph of student
created bulletin board
for Teves with the pasuk
"kol mitzvah
levainah hi" - every
mitzvah is a... Details  | Date Added : 12/17/2004 | Downloaded 474 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | 3922-k_00618tevesbulletinboard.pdf (0.07 MB Pages 1) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | The Lights That Stirred George Washington (L_00948) | Contributor : Unknown (54 items) | | Description : Moving story which took
place in the year 1777 of
how a Jewish soldier was
able to make a kiddush
HaShem through his deep
felt... Details  | Date Added : 12/03/2004 | Downloaded 1417 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 3862-l_00948.pdf (0.07 MB Pages 2) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | "When Bullies Strike" (A_00655) | Contributor :Paulette Laniado (4 items) | | Description : Article addressing how to
help 'bullies' build
self-esteem which can be
applicable for all ages. Details  | Date Added : 11/24/2004 | Downloaded 225 time(s) | Grades : Administration | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 3833-a_00655.pdf (0.10 MB Pages 1) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | The "HELLO" Shmiras Halashon Contest (Y_00794) | Contributor : Eitz Chaim Yeshiva (1 item) | | Description : Middos program which can
be implemented
school-wide and has the
student's whole family
working on shmiras
halashon. There are... Details  | Date Added : 11/12/2004 | Downloaded 161 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 3797-y_00794.pdf (0.31 MB Pages 6) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Crash Course in Judaism: Lecture Guide (Y_00756) | Contributor :Ephraim Buchwald (2 items) | | Description : This is a clearly
outlined five part
lecture guide, including
the topics Belief,
Prayer, Shabbat, and
Observance. The guide
is... Details  | Date Added : 11/02/2004 | Downloaded 693 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School, Adult | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00756_basic_judais~cture_guide.pdf (0.24 MB Pages 64) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Bei'ur Tefillah: Shema (Y_00763) | Contributor :Miriam Savitsky (1 item) | | Description : Comprehensive workbook
created for 8th grade
girls with translations
and questions on meaning
and understanding of the
Shema... Details  | Date Added : 05/10/2004 | Downloaded 536 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | 3429-y_00763.pdf (3.64 MB Pages 48) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | The Most Important Words in the English Language (Y_00755) | Contributor :Esther Lerner (6 items) | | Description : Great reminders of
sayings to keep in mind
when interacting with
others. Can be enlarged
and hung up, or handed
out to... Details  | Date Added : 02/25/2004 | Downloaded 411 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 3280-y_00755reallife.pdf (0.03 MB Pages 1) | | | |  | 3280-y_00755reallife.doc (0.02 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Middos Play (R_00701) | Contributor :Yaakov Pentelnik (8 items) | | Description : Based on a story from The
Maggid Speaks, this play
teaches the middos of
sensitivity and giving to
others and how one is
repaid... Details  | Date Added : 02/24/2004 | Downloaded 414 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 3278-r_00701maggidspeaks.pdf (0.07 MB Pages 4) | | | |  | 3278-r_00701maggidspeaks.doc (0.03 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | "Hello" Middos Calendar (Y_00536) | Contributor :Elisa Taub (7 items) | | Description : Information and
suggestions for how to
Hishtadel L'hiyos Ish
Middos Program in your... Details  | Date Added : 02/10/2004 | Downloaded 352 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 706-y_00536set106hellotaub.pdf (2.37 MB Pages 21) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | "Hello" Middos Calendar (Y_00536-0011) | Contributor :Elisa Taub (7 items) | | Description : (Part of a set.)Letter
describing, what HELLO -
Hishtadel L'Hiyos Ish
middos program is, and
how to implement it in
your... Details  | Date Added : 02/10/2004 | Downloaded 165 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 707-y_00536-001set106hellotaub.pdf (0.14 MB Pages 1) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | "Hello" Middos Calendar (Y_00536-0022) | Contributor :Elisa Taub (7 items) | | Description : (Part of a set.) Example
of how Hello- Hishtadel
L'hiyos Ish middos
program was implemented
into a fourth grade
classroom. Details  | Date Added : 02/10/2004 | Downloaded 139 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 708-y_00536-002set106hellotaub.pdf (0.14 MB Pages 1) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | "Hello" Middos Calendar (Y_00536-003) | Contributor :Elisa Taub (7 items) | | Description : Part of a set.) Example
of how Hello- Hishtadel
L'hiyos Ish middos
program was implemented
into a school. Details  | Date Added : 02/10/2004 | Downloaded 117 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 709-y_00536-003set106hellotaub.pdf (0.49 MB Pages 4) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | "Hello" Middos Calendar (Y_00536-004) | Contributor :Elisa Taub (7 items) | | Description : Part of a set.) Example
of how Hello- Hishtadel
L'hiyos Ish middos
program was implemented
into a school in Queens. Details  | Date Added : 02/10/2004 | Downloaded 80 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 710-y_00536-004set106hellotaub.pdf (0.67 MB Pages 6) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | "Hello" Middos Calendar (Y_00536-005) | Contributor :Elisa Taub (7 items) | | Description : (Part of a set.)
*Pictures to be used as
pins or stickers to be
given out as a reward for
good middos. *HELLO
diploma *Form... Details  | Date Added : 02/10/2004 | Downloaded 1118 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 711-y_00536-005set106hellotaub-5.pdf (0.85 MB Pages 8) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Poster: Kol Yisrael Areivim Zeh Lazeh (R_00687) | Contributor :TP Torah Prep School, St. Louis MO (30 items) | | Description : Poster with photo and
this complete pasuk can
used to decorate
classrooms and hallways.
Editable Davka document
and pdf format... Details  | Date Added : 02/09/2004 | Downloaded 392 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | 3220-r_00687kolyisroel.pdf (0.12 MB Pages 1) | | | |  | 3220-r_00687kolyisroel.dwd (0.08 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Poster: Marbeh Torah Marbeh Chaim (R_00688) | Contributor :TP Torah Prep School, St. Louis MO (30 items) | | Description : Poster with photo and
this complete pasuk can
used to decorate
classrooms and hallways.
Editable Davka document
and pdf format... Details  | Date Added : 02/09/2004 | Downloaded 167 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | 3221-r_00688marbehto~marbehchaim.pdf (0.05 MB Pages 1) | | | |  | 3221-r_00688marbehto~marbehchaim.dwd (0.04 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Poster: Pikudei Hashem (R_00690) | Contributor :TP Torah Prep School, St. Louis MO (30 items) | | Description : Poster with photo and
this complete pasuk can
used to decorate
classrooms and hallways.
Editable Davka document
and pdf format... Details  | Date Added : 02/09/2004 | Downloaded 139 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | 3223-r_00690pikudeihashem.pdf (0.09 MB Pages 1) | | | |  | 3223-r_00690pikudeihashem.dwd (0.22 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Poster: Toras Hashem Temima (R_00691) | Contributor :TP Torah Prep School, St. Louis MO (30 items) | | Description : Poster with photo and
this complete pasuk can
used to decorate
classrooms and hallways.
Editable Davka document
and pdf format... Details  | Date Added : 02/09/2004 | Downloaded 168 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | 3224-r_00691torashashemtemima.pdf (0.06 MB Pages 1) | | | |  | 3224-r_00691torashashemtemima.dwd (0.10 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Poster: Hevei Dan (R_00694) | Contributor :TP Torah Prep School, St. Louis MO (30 items) | | Description : Poster with photo and
this complete pasuk can
used to decorate
classrooms and hallways.
Editable Davka document
and pdf format... Details  | Date Added : 02/09/2004 | Downloaded 160 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | 3227-r_00694heveidanes.pdf (0.10 MB Pages 1) | | | |  | 3227-r_00694heveidanes.dwd (0.06 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Poster: Ivdu Es Hashem B'simchah (R_00696) | Contributor :TP Torah Prep School, St. Louis MO (30 items) | | Description : Poster with photo and
this complete pasuk can
used to decorate
classrooms and hallways.
Editable Davka document
and pdf format... Details  | Date Added : 02/09/2004 | Downloaded 292 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | 3229-r_00696ivdu.pdf (0.07 MB Pages 1) | | | |  | 3229-r_00696ivdu.dwd (0.09 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Project Step Ahead (Y_00512) | Contributor :Dovid Fendel (4 items) | | Description : A project designed to
increase students'
appreciation for Shabbos
and enhance their shmiras
Shabbos. The project
spans a... Details  | Date Added : 01/30/2004 | Downloaded 1082 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00512_set_219_proj~head_fendel.pdf (2.44 MB Pages 18) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Project Step Ahead Shabbos Checklist (Y_00512-001) | Contributor :Dovid Fendel (4 items) | | Description : Part of a project
designed to increase
students' appreciation
for Shabbos and enhance
their shmiras Shabbos.
This sheet is a... Details  | Date Added : 01/30/2004 | Downloaded 626 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00512_001_set_219_~s_checklist.pdf (0.15 MB Pages 2) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Project Step Ahead: Story of Rabbi Herman (Y_00512-002) | Contributor :Dovid Fendel (4 items) | | Description : Part of a project
designed to increase
appreciation for Shabbos
and enhance their shmiras
Shabbos. This story... Details  | Date Added : 01/30/2004 | Downloaded 554 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00512_002_set_219_~erman_story.pdf (0.19 MB Pages 2) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Keeping Faith in the Face of Terror: A Guide to Coping (A_00633) | Contributor : Ohel (1 item) | | Description : Booklet presented by
Ohel,in conjunction with
Project Liberty, on
helping children,
adolescents and adults
cope with loss and... Details  | Date Added : 01/26/2004 | Downloaded 83 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School, High School, Administration, Adult | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 3184-a_00633.pdf (1.02 MB Pages 8) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Caught in the Wrong Story - A Play (R_00678) | Contributor :Donna Zeffren (194 items) | | Description : A play about hashgachah
pratis with a
twist...sometimes we
see the neat ending.
Sometimes, as far as
we... Details  | Date Added : 01/15/2004 | Downloaded 876 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 3157-r_00678caughtin~ewrongstory.pdf (0.15 MB Pages 5) | | | |  | 3157-r_00678caughtin~ewrongstory.doc (0.04 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Teshuvah-Viduy (SB_00357) | Contributor :Mendal Freedman (1 item) | | Description : Comprehensive teaching
outline of the various
steps to Teshuvah.
Includes the viduy
tefillah with a chart
with spaces for... Details  | Date Added : 08/29/2003 | Downloaded 537 time(s) | Grades : Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 3023-sb_00358viduy.pdf (0.14 MB Pages 7) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Yahadus Songs (Y_00743) | Contributor :Leah Jakobovits (29 items) | | Description : A song book with a large
collection of songs about
different months, yamim
tovim, various mitzvos
and middos. A great
source... Details  | Date Added : 08/18/2003 | Downloaded 1199 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 2994-y_00743yhallyahadussongs.pdf (0.38 MB Pages 10) | | | |  | 2994-y_00743yhallyahadussongs.doc (0.11 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Project S.K.Y. (Y_00739) | Contributor :Elie Post (1 item) | | Description : Explains the motivational
program "Something
for Klal Yisrael"
(S.K.Y.) which helps
students strive for
greater... Details  | Date Added : 07/03/2003 | Downloaded 220 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 2863-y_00739projectsky.pdf (0.04 MB Pages 1) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Project Elan: Middos Program (Y_00510) | Contributor :Marcia Zlochower (78 items) | | Description : Plans for a 5 month
school-wide middos
program from Cheshvan to
Adar, with a Middos Fair
in Iyar. Each month has a
theme, with... Details  | Date Added : 07/01/2003 | Downloaded 846 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00510_set_203_proj~s_zlochower.pdf (0.98 MB Pages 12) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Middos Incentives: Key to Happiness (R_00666) | Contributor :Leah Skaist (29 items) | | Description : Middos souvenirs are
given out at the end of
the month dedicated to
that middah - this middah
was "Eizehu
Ashir?"... Details  | Date Added : 05/12/2003 | Downloaded 292 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 2695-r_00666.pdf (0.55 MB Pages 3) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Middos Incentives: Don't Blow Your Top (R_00668) | Contributor :Leah Skaist (29 items) | | Description : Middos souvenirs are
given out at the end of
the month dedicated to
that middah - this middah
was "Nachas
Ruach."... Details  | Date Added : 05/12/2003 | Downloaded 102 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 2697-r_00668.pdf (0.22 MB Pages 1) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Middos Incentives: Helping Hand (R_00568) | Contributor :Leah Skaist (29 items) | | Description : Middos souvenirs are
given out at the end of
the month dedicated to
that middah - this middah
A... Details  | Date Added : 05/12/2003 | Downloaded 138 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 2699-r_00568.pdf (0.20 MB Pages 3) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Middos Incentive: Plan Ahead! (O_00618) | Contributor :Leah Skaist (29 items) | | Description : Middos souvenirs are
given out at the end of
the month dedicated to
that middah - this middah
was "Achrayus."
A mini... Details  | Date Added : 05/12/2003 | Downloaded 127 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | 2704-o_00618.pdf (0.16 MB Pages 1) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Middos Incentive: Examine Your Actions (R_00569) | Contributor :Leah Skaist (29 items) | | Description : Middos souvenirs are
given out at the end of
the month dedicated to
that middah - this middah
was "Teshuvah."
A mini... Details  | Date Added : 05/12/2003 | Downloaded 215 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 2705-r_00569.pdf (0.15 MB Pages 3) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Middos Incentive: Hashem is Always Watching (R_00570) | Contributor :Leah Skaist (29 items) | | Description : Middos souvenirs are
given out at the end of
the month dedicated to
that middah - this middah
was "Yiras
Shamayim." A... Details  | Date Added : 05/12/2003 | Downloaded 158 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 2706-r_00570.pdf (0.28 MB Pages 4) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Middos Incentive: Don't Jump to Conclusions (R_00572) | Contributor :Leah Skaist (29 items) | | Description : Middos souvenirs are
given out at the end of
the month dedicated to
that middah - this middah
was "Dan Lekaf
Zechus."... Details  | Date Added : 05/12/2003 | Downloaded 291 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 2708-r_00572.pdf (0.27 MB Pages 3) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Middos Incentive: Decoding (R_00573) | Contributor :Leah Skaist (29 items) | | Description : Middos souvenirs are
given out at the end of
the month dedicated to
that middah - this middah
was "Savlanus."
A... Details  | Date Added : 05/12/2003 | Downloaded 136 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 2709-r_00573.pdf (0.18 MB Pages 2) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Middos Incentive: Measure Up (R_00574) | Contributor :Leah Skaist (29 items) | | Description : Middos souvenirs are
given out at the end of
the month dedicated to
that middah - this middah
A... Details  | Date Added : 05/12/2003 | Downloaded 105 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 2710-r_00574.pdf (0.10 MB Pages 2) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Activity Booklet on Shalom (Y_00592) | Contributor :Leah Skaist (29 items) | | Description : Student created activity
book for middah of the
month - Shalom Details  | Date Added : 05/12/2003 | Downloaded 286 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 2714-y_00592.pdf (0.82 MB Pages 15) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Color Mini Posters: Ma'amrei Chazal (R_00628b) | Contributor :Marcia Zlochower (78 items) | | Description : Beautiful mini posters
with pisgamim to decorate
your classroom from
Pirkei Avos and other
sources. Details  | Date Added : 05/12/2003 | Downloaded 1164 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School, High School | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | 2790-r_00628b.pdf (5.05 MB Pages 7) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Thematic Mitzvah Note Forms (O_00696) | Contributor :Donna Zeffren (194 items) | | Description : Each month the class has
a different theme for the
shape of the mitzvah
notes that the parents
send in, and they are
displayed... Details  | Date Added : 05/12/2003 | Downloaded 533 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Administration | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 2803-o_00696.pdf (0.57 MB Pages 13) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Mother Daughter Workshop (Y_00690) | Contributor :Y. Weber (17 items) | | Description : Issues such as cheating,
no time for chessed,
cliques and other
whammies are explored in
groups of mothers and
daughters as... Details  | Date Added : 05/11/2003 | Downloaded 295 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School, Administration | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 2617-y_00690.pdf (0.17 MB Pages 4) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Workshop: Bitachon and Emunah (Y_00692) | Contributor :Y. Weber (17 items) | | Description : Excellent workshop
raising discussion points
on things such as
"How much hishtadlus
is enough?" and
"How do you... Details  | Date Added : 05/11/2003 | Downloaded 452 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 2619-y_00692.pdf (0.20 MB Pages 6) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | 12th Grade Retreat - Workshop (Y_00693) | Contributor :Y. Weber (17 items) | | Description : A schedule for a 12th
grade Bais Yaakov
Retreat, including a very
special workshop about
defining our roles and... Details  | Date Added : 05/11/2003 | Downloaded 227 time(s) | Grades : High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 2620-y_00693.pdf (0.55 MB Pages 13) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Tefillah Workshop (Y_00694) | Contributor :Y. Weber (17 items) | | Description : Workshop on personal
feelings about tefillah,
and improving the
experience. Details  | Date Added : 05/11/2003 | Downloaded 816 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 2621-y_00694.pdf (0.20 MB Pages 3) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Mother Daughter Yom Iyun (Y_00695) | Contributor :Y. Weber (17 items) | | Description : Schedule and workshop for
a Yom Iyun called
Workshop is based on
source material relating
to the... Details  | Date Added : 05/11/2003 | Downloaded 189 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 2622-y_00695.pdf (0.93 MB Pages 19) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Mother Daughter Yom Iyun: "Chut Hameshulash" (Y_00701) | Contributor :Y. Weber (17 items) | | Description : Yom Iyun exploring
Family, the mesorah, and
the relationship between
the generations. Lots of
schedules, source
material,... Details  | Date Added : 05/11/2003 | Downloaded 216 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 2627-y_00701.pdf (1.09 MB Pages 21) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Social Issues in the Class - Grade 3 (Y_00707) | Contributor :M Simon (34 items) | | Description : Handwritten survey to be
filled out by each girl
in the class, followed by
a discussion. Details  | Date Added : 05/11/2003 | Downloaded 199 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Administration | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 2628-y_00707.pdf (0.05 MB Pages 2) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Derech Eretz Program (R_00618) | Contributor :Yossi Phillip (7 items) | | Description : Derech Eretz program with
incentives, stories,
different aspects and
halachos to concentrate
on, and bulletin board
displays to... Details  | Date Added : 05/08/2003 | Downloaded 868 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 2410-r_00618.pdf (1.81 MB Pages 15) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | "Cheder Chevrah" Program (R_00617) | Contributor :Yossi Phillip (7 items) | | Description : Voluntary program to
create achdus and promote
derech eretz in school.
Boys are included in the
and... Details  | Date Added : 05/08/2003 | Downloaded 355 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School, Administration | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 2409-r_00617.pdf (1.06 MB Pages 16) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Bikur Cholim Phone List (Y_00658) | Contributor :S Rabinowitz (6 items) | | Description : Children make a phone
list of classmates to use
when someone is sick, so
that they can give a
"cheer up"
call. Details  | Date Added : 05/07/2003 | Downloaded 204 time(s) | Grades : Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 2613-y_00658.pdf (0.11 MB Pages 2) | | | |  | 2613-y_00658.doc (0.04 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | The Mesorah Workshop (Y_00696) | Contributor :Y. Weber (17 items) | | Description : A mother/daughter Yom
Iyun program with
schedule, source
materials, songs,
workshop topics, and
more. Contact Mrs. Weber
at... Details  | Date Added : 05/04/2003 | Downloaded 241 time(s) | Grades : High School, Administration, Adult | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 2457-y_00696.pdf (0.93 MB Pages 19) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Chizuk B'amiras Habrachos (Y_00704) | Contributor :V. Rothenberg (6 items) | | Description : "Chizuk B'amiras
Habrachos" - a
beautiful and informative
Hebrew booklet with
sources, halachos,
ma'amrei chazal and... Details  | Date Added : 05/04/2003 | Downloaded 404 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School, Adult | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | 2458-y_00704.pdf (1.29 MB Pages 28) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Kibud Av V'eim Booklet (Y_00711) | Contributor :Yaakov Rabinowitz (19 items) | | Description : A booklet on appreciating
parents, with halachos,
stories, practical
examples, and more.
Typed on a typewriter;
slightly... Details  | Date Added : 05/04/2003 | Downloaded 839 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 2459-y_00711.pdf (0.63 MB Pages 9) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Assorted Workshop Discussions and Programs (Y_00645) | Contributor :Tehila Kaiser (2 items) | | Description : This packet contains many
interesting and creative
ideas for bring out
discussion about Bain
Yisrael L'amim, great
Jewish... Details  | Date Added : 04/10/2003 | Downloaded 1024 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School, Adult | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 2246-y_00645.pdf (0.63 MB Pages 13) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Understanding and Appreciating Tefillah (Y_00628) | Contributor :Tehila Kaiser (2 items) | | Description : This packet is a
compilation of
worksheets, notes and
articles on various
topics of teffila. It
includes: 1.Introduction
to... Details  | Date Added : 04/10/2003 | Downloaded 1969 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School, Administration | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 2255-y_00628.pdf (1.14 MB Pages 16) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | V'halachtah B'drachav - Hakaras Hatov (Y_00653) | Contributor :Moshe Grunfeld (17 items) | | Description : This packet includes a
letter to parents
detailing the V'halachtah
B'drachav Middos Program
and begins with the first
Middah... Details  | Date Added : 04/08/2003 | Downloaded 268 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 2239-y_00653.pdf (0.11 MB Pages 5) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Kovod M'yuchad (Y_00505) | Contributor :Rochel Schochet (2 items) | | Description : Instructions, patterns
and newsletters for a
year long middos program
to teach respect for
parents, siblings,
friends,... Details  | Date Added : 03/21/2003 | Downloaded 617 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00505_set_175_kovo~os_schochet.pdf (1.62 MB Pages 17) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Project Esther: A Mishloach Manos Concept (R_00597) | Contributor :Shana Kramer (48 items) | | Description : Text of an article
published in the Jewish
Observer outlining a
proposal to organize
school-wide distribution
of mishloach... Details  | Date Added : 02/23/2003 | Downloaded 307 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School, High School, Administration | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 2124-r_00597projectestherarticle.pdf (0.07 MB Pages 2) | | | |  | 2124-r_00597projectestherarticle.doc (0.02 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Project Esther Letter to Parents (R_00598) | Contributor :TP Torah Prep School, St. Louis MO (30 items) | | Description : "How to have a freilechen
Purim in one easy
lesson." Letter
introducing Project
Esther to parents.
Students collate
mishloach... Details  | Date Added : 02/23/2003 | Downloaded 288 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School, High School, Administration | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 2126-r_00598letter.pdf (0.10 MB Pages 1) | | | |  | 2126-r_00598letter.doc (0.11 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Project Esther Mini Poster (R_00599) | Contributor :TP Torah Prep School, St. Louis MO (30 items) | | Description : "Project Esther is
Coming!" Teaser poster or
flyer to introduce
Project Esther, in which
students collate
mishloach manos... Details  | Date Added : 02/23/2003 | Downloaded 290 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School, High School, Administration | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 2127-r_00599poster.pdf (0.03 MB Pages 1) | | | |  | 2127-r_00599poster.doc (0.02 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Ivdu es Hashem Smiley (K_00557) | Contributor :Tuvya Peromsik (56 items) | | Description : Smiley face with Ivdu
phrase and "Be
perky!" Color jpg. Details  | Date Added : 02/23/2003 | Downloaded 526 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School, High School | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | 2118-k_00557perky.jpg (0.06 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Middos Log (booklet) (Y_00624) | Contributor :Chayim Boruch Alevsky (46 items) | | Description : About this Middos Log:
Contents: 1)Cover and 2)
Fill-in page One year I
had an unusually Middos
class"¦... Details  | Date Added : 12/09/2002 | Downloaded 863 time(s) | Grades : Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 1896-y_00624middoslog.pdf (0.48 MB Pages 2) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Leadership Presentation (K_00507) | Contributor :Y. Dinovitzer (7 items) | | Description : Thought-provoking
presentation on
self-development in the
leadership role.
Available as editable
Microsoft PowerPoint... Details  | Date Added : 11/25/2002 | Downloaded 248 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School, Adult | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 1792-k_00507leadership.ppt (0.50 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Tefillin Slide Show (K_00504) | Contributor :Y. Dinovitzer (7 items) | | Description : Entertaining and fully
comprehensive powerpoint
presentation on halachos,
minhagim and structure of
Tefillin. Available as... Details  | Date Added : 11/25/2002 | Downloaded 376 time(s) | Grades : Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 1797-k_00504tefilin.ppt (22.57 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Esrog Besamim Project (K_00503) | Contributor :Chananya Kramer (23 items) | | Description : Beautiful full color
powerpoint presentation
illustrating how to make
besamim out of an esrog.
Full color photos and
relevant... Details  | Date Added : 11/25/2002 | Downloaded 420 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 1798-k_00503esrogproject.ppt (1.13 MB) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Curriculum for Mitzvos Talmud Torah (Y_00106) | Contributor :A. Fremerman (4 items) | | Description : Hand lettered and
illustrated Yiddish
curriculum for teaching
girls about the mitzvah
of Talmud Torah. Includes
sources,... Details  | Date Added : 11/25/2002 | Downloaded 150 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : Yiddish | | |  | |  |  | 1864-y_00106mitzvastalmudtorah.pdf (2.35 MB Pages 23) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Curriculum in Yiddish for Kibud Av V'eim (Y_00107) | Contributor :A. Fremerman (4 items) | | Description : Curriculum/workbook is
hand-lettered and
illustrated. Includes
pisgamim, sources,
guidelines for behavior,
stories and... Details  | Date Added : 11/25/2002 | Downloaded 303 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : Yiddish | | |  | |  |  | 1867-y_00107kibbudavvem.pdf (1.64 MB Pages 20) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Project B.E.A.M. (Y_00609) | Contributor :Ashi Newman (1 item) | | Description : School-wide "Be A
Mentch" program that
has been successful for
several years. Includes
very clear step by
step... Details  | Date Added : 11/25/2002 | Downloaded 281 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School, Administration | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 1891-y_00609projectbeam.pdf (2.04 MB Pages 14) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Six Mitzvos Tamidios (Y_00613) | Contributor :Shmuel Jacobs (25 items) | | Description : The six mitzvos tamidios
explained in a clear
manner, followed by the
original sources in
Hebrew. Details  | Date Added : 11/08/2002 | Downloaded 297 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 1885-y_00613sixmitzvostamidios.pdf (0.05 MB Pages 2) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Priorities Workshop for Shabbaton (M_00023) | Contributor :Malka Leah Josephs (4 items) | | Description : Interactive workshop on
priorities, intuiting
personality traits and
learning from our Avos.
Skits are assigned with
true-life... Details  | Date Added : 10/03/2002 | Downloaded 748 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 1747-m_00023prioritiesworkshop.pdf (0.36 MB Pages 5) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Sefer HaMitzvos: Mitzvah Curriculum Kit (Y_00562-001) | Contributor :Malkah Danziger (30 items) | | Description : This amazing interactive
workbook is a Torah-based
curriculum on teaching
the mitzvos adaptable for
children between ages 5
and... Details  | Date Added : 10/03/2002 | Downloaded 4441 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 1723-y_00562-001ashk~azalpidarko.pdf (9.58 MB Pages 237) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Sefer HaMitzvos: Russian Mitzvah Curriculum Kit (Y_00562-002) | Contributor :Malkah Danziger (30 items) | | Description : This amazing interactive
workbook, translated into
Russian, is a Torah-based
curriculum on learning
the mitzvos adaptable
for... Details  | Date Added : 10/03/2002 | Downloaded 711 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary | | | Language : Russian | | |  | |  |  | y_00562_002_russian_al_pi_darko.pdf (4.70 MB Pages 234) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Sefer HaMitzvos: Sefardi Mitzvah Curriculum Kit (Y_00562-003) | Contributor :Malkah Danziger (30 items) | | Description : This amazing interactive
Sefardi workbook is a
Torah-based curriculum
adaptable for children
between ages 5 and 8.
Children... Details  | Date Added : 10/03/2002 | Downloaded 1212 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | 1725-y_00562-003sefardialpidarko.pdf (9.62 MB Pages 236) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Kibud Av V'eim Chart (Y_00522) | Contributor : Unknown (54 items) | | Description : Cute chart to encourage
children to behave nicely
at home. Details  | Date Added : 09/25/2002 | Downloaded 760 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Administration | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 693-y_00522kibbudavveam_tif.pdf (0.07 MB Pages 1) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Ka'as Cartoon Middah Activity (Y_00537) | Contributor :Gershon Zeffren Z"L (57 items) | | Description : Students think about how
they react to annoying
situations, then fill in
the dialog in a cartoon
with blank speech
bubbles. can... Details  | Date Added : 09/25/2002 | Downloaded 429 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 712-y_00537kaascarto~ddaactivity.pdf (0.17 MB Pages 1) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Collection of Original Middos Songs (Y_00539) | Contributor :Yerucham List (13 items) | | Description : Rabbi List is a talented
songwriter who wrote
these songs for the
monthly middos assemblies
at Torah Prep. Each one
is sung to... Details  | Date Added : 09/25/2002 | Downloaded 1195 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School, High School, Adult | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 713-y_00539set267rab~idddossongs.pdf (0.06 MB Pages 9) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | "Emunah" Song (Y_00539-004) | Contributor :Yerucham List (13 items) | | Description : Song to the tune of
"Ur'ay Vanim."
Peppy lyrics. Rabbi List
is a talented songwriter
who wrote these songs for
the... Details  | Date Added : 09/25/2002 | Downloaded 223 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School, High School, Adult | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 717-y_00539-004rabbi~dossongs_g4.pdf (0.04 MB Pages 1) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | "Bakashas Hashem" Song (Y_00539-008) | Contributor :Yerucham List (13 items) | | Description : Moving song about our
yearning to be close to
Hashem. Rabbi List is a
talented songwriter who
wrote these songs for the
monthly... Details  | Date Added : 09/25/2002 | Downloaded 532 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School, High School, Adult | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 721-y_00539-008rabbi~dossongs_g8.pdf (0.04 MB Pages 1) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Eight Month Yedios Klaliyos Program (Y_00506) | Contributor :Shira Smiles (8 items) | | Description : Comprehensive yedios
klaliyos program suitable
for High School or
higher-level Middle
Schools. Each month
included pisgamim,... Details  | Date Added : 07/10/2002 | Downloaded 1036 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School, Adult | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | y_00506_set_176_yedi~iyos_smiles.pdf (3.49 MB Pages 38) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Hashkafa Aphorisms (SB_00042) | Contributor :Naftoli Hexter (1 item) | | Description : This great collection of
English and Hebrew
inspirational handouts
are used to reinforce the
middos and hashkafos
which are... Details  | Date Added : 07/10/2002 | Downloaded 880 time(s) | Grades : Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 1100-sb_042.pdf (1.85 MB Pages 24) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Come Tour Chicago: A Pen Pal Book (R_00555) | Contributor :Faith Shabat (3 items) | | Description : Students were assigned a
pen pal in a different
city and created this
book to describe
different places of
interest to visit in... Details  | Date Added : 04/29/2002 | Downloaded 55 time(s) | Grades : Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 1391-r_00555.pdf (1.34 MB Pages 24) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | General Knowledge Program (SB_00272) | Contributor :BY Bais Yaakov Baltimore (52 items) | | Description : Outlines of general
knowledge in the subjects
of Tanach, Tefillah,
Eretz Yisrael, calendar,
Bais Hamikdash, Gedolei
Yisrael,... Details  | Date Added : 02/20/2002 | Downloaded 1049 time(s) | Grades : High School | | | Language : Hebrew | | |  | |  |  | 1004-sb_00272.pdf (2.29 MB Pages 63) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Introduction To Parshas Lech Lecha (SB_00301) | Contributor :Liora Rosen (9 items) | | Description : A short activity to
introduce the concepts of
emunah and bitachon
before starting to learn
Parshas Lech Lecha. Can
also be used... Details  | Date Added : 02/20/2002 | Downloaded 533 time(s) | Grades : Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 1041-sb_00301.pdf (0.05 MB Pages 1) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Torah T.I.P.S.-Thoughts in Progress (SB_0001) | Contributor :Eliezer Shapiro (1 item) | | Description : Thought-provoking
questions on hashkafa and
middos for sixth grade
boys to think about. Also
includes ideas for
thought... Details  | Date Added : 02/20/2002 | Downloaded 239 time(s) | Grades : Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 1072-sb_001.pdf (1.02 MB Pages 48) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Tefillah Worksheets (SB_00030) | Contributor :Judy Neuberger (11 items) | | Description : This booklet includes
clear and organized
halachos and hashkafos of
tefillah in general,
Shacharis in particular.
Included also... Details  | Date Added : 02/20/2002 | Downloaded 1636 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 1092-sb_030.pdf (1.61 MB Pages 34) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Beiur Tefillah Program (SB_047) | Contributor :Moishe Bier (4 items) | | Description : Entire cumulative Beiur
Tefillah program for 4th
grade yeshiva boys.
Includes: birkas shema,
kriyas shema, shemoneh
esrei,... Details  | Date Added : 02/20/2002 | Downloaded 1056 time(s) | Grades : Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 1102-sb_047.pdf (3.10 MB Pages 70) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Bais Yaakov Middos Program: Hakaras Hatov (SB_00049) | Contributor :Liora Rosen (9 items) | | Description : Middos program stressing
Hakaras Hatov. Includes:
suggested ways of
teaching middos, songs,
stories, poems,
midrashim, divrei... Details  | Date Added : 02/20/2002 | Downloaded 868 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 1104-sb_049.pdf (2.70 MB Pages 39) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Bais Yaakov Middos Program: Emes (SB_00050) | Contributor :Liora Rosen (9 items) | | Description : This program includes
stories, activities,
songs and decorations
surrounding the theme of
emes. A list of sources
and pisgamim... Details  | Date Added : 02/20/2002 | Downloaded 650 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 1105-sb_050.pdf (3.27 MB Pages 41) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Bais Yaakov Middos Program: Ahavas Yisrael (SB_00051) | Contributor :Liora Rosen (9 items) | | Description : This program includes
stories, activities,
songs and decorations
surrounding the theme of
Ahavas Yisrael. A list of
sources and... Details  | Date Added : 02/20/2002 | Downloaded 1100 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 1106-sb_051.pdf (2.61 MB Pages 50) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Bais Yaakov Middos Program: Zerizus (SB_00052) | Contributor :Liora Rosen (9 items) | | Description : This program includes
stories, activities,
songs and decorations
relating to the theme of
zerizus. A list of
sources and... Details  | Date Added : 02/20/2002 | Downloaded 546 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 1107-sb_052.pdf (1.06 MB Pages 20) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Bikur Cholim Program & Song (SB_00076) | Contributor :Rochel Robbins (2 items) | | Description : A simple outline guides
the teacher in presenting
the mitzvah of Bikur
Cholim to youngsters. A
song and illustration
are... Details  | Date Added : 02/20/2002 | Downloaded 1172 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 1160-sb_00076.pdf (0.13 MB Pages 4) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Class Rules (SB_00269) | Contributor :Helene Mintz (10 items) | | Description : These illustrated sheets
of class rules are
formatted with fill-ins
so the student actively
becomes part of the rule
stating... Details  | Date Added : 02/20/2002 | Downloaded 388 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School, Administration | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 1286-sb_00269.pdf (0.63 MB Pages 7) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | B'tzelem Elokim: Curriculum and Presentation (SB_00309) | Contributor :Joyce Grand (1 item) | | Description : This curriculum combines
the General studies and
Judaic studies
departments in teaching
children disability
awareness and how... Details  | Date Added : 02/20/2002 | Downloaded 448 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 1301-sb_00309.pdf (0.45 MB Pages 10) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Suggestions for Expressing Appreciation (A_00502) | Contributor :Donna Zeffren (194 items) | | Description : A list of attributes,
middos, and other
positive things that
people do, for use in
writing thank yous,
report cards, or
giving... Details  | Date Added : 11/19/2001 | Downloaded 1196 time(s) | Grades : Middle School, High School, Administration, Adult | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | a_00502_appreciation.pdf (0.09 MB Pages 1) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Refuah Shelaima Letter (R_00539) | Contributor :Tova Taragin (46 items) | | Description : A worksheet to send to
students who are sick, to
fill them in on what they
have missed in school. Details  | Date Added : 07/26/2001 | Downloaded 297 time(s) | Grades : Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 982-r_00539.pdf (0.05 MB Pages 1) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | SODAS - Problem Solving (P_00505) | Contributor :Yeshia Benstein (10 items) | | Description : The word "sodas" is used
as an acronym to help
children determine the
best way to handle a
difficult situation. The
label can... Details  | Date Added : 07/25/2001 | Downloaded 153 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 969-p_00505.pdf (0.06 MB Pages 1) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Mitzva Mania (R_00538) | Contributor :Ariel Asa (5 items) | | Description : These materials can be
used to create an
interactive bulletin
board. Instructions are
included. These
questions are very... Details  | Date Added : 07/11/2001 | Downloaded 256 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 915-r_00538.pdf (1.65 MB Pages 42) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Mitzvah Tree Bulletin Board (R_00531) | Contributor :Shana Kramer (48 items) | | Description : This bulletin board is an
idea for creating a
classroom tree on which
to hang mitzvah notes
from the parents. Leaf
pattern for... Details  | Date Added : 02/28/2001 | Downloaded 652 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | r_00531_047_00142.pdf (0.24 MB Pages 3) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Incentive Coupons (R_00534) | Contributor :Raizy Verhand (1 item) | | Description : Included are illustrated
incentive reward coupons
for acts that exemplify
Torah, Avodah, and
Gemilus Chassadim. Details  | Date Added : 02/28/2001 | Downloaded 292 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | r_00534_coupons_raiz~rhand_00282.pdf (0.08 MB Pages 2) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Chumash Party Program (O_00522) | Contributor :Sara Abrahamson (56 items) | | Description : The program for this
first grade Chumash Party
includes a note to the
guests and script with
lyrics for the songs.
Song themes... Details  | Date Added : 02/20/2001 | Downloaded 755 time(s) | Grades : Early Childhood, Elementary | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | 282-o_00522set173chu~yabrahamson.pdf (1.27 MB Pages 12) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Five Month Middos Program: Part One-Tzeddaka (Y_00510-001) | Contributor :Marcia Zlochower (78 items) | | Description : Part of a 5 month
school-wide middos
program. Each month has a
theme, with activities,
pisgamim, halachos, and
ideas for... Details  | Date Added : 11/30/1999 | Downloaded 679 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00510_001_set_203_~middos_prog.pdf (0.20 MB Pages 3) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Five Month Middos Program: Part Two-Zerizus (Y_00510-002) | Contributor :Marcia Zlochower (78 items) | | Description : Part of a 5 month
school-wide middos
program. Each month has
a theme, with activities,
pisgamim, halachos, and
ideas for... Details  | Date Added : 11/30/1999 | Downloaded 338 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00510_002_set_203_~middos_prog.pdf (0.12 MB Pages 2) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Five Month Middos Program: Part Three-Simcha (Y_00510-003) | Contributor :Marcia Zlochower (78 items) | | Description : Part of a 5 month
school-wide middos
program. Each month has
a theme, with activities,
pisgamim, halachos, and
ideas for... Details  | Date Added : 11/30/1999 | Downloaded 518 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00510_003_set_203_~middos_prog.pdf (0.15 MB Pages 3) | | |
|  | |  |
| |
| | Five Month Middos Program: Part Four- Emes (Y_00510-004) | Contributor :Marcia Zlochower (78 items) | | Description : Part of a 5 month
school-wide middos
program. Each month has
a theme, with activities,
pisgamim, halachos, and
ideas for... Details  | Date Added : 11/30/1999 | Downloaded 262 time(s) | Grades : Elementary, Middle School | | | Language : English | | |  | |  |  | y_00510_004_set_203_~middos_prog.pdf (0.10 MB Pages 2) | | |
|  | |  |
| |