Description: Women Can Raise More Than Children:
How to take a dream or idea and make
it a reality when willing to invest
time, energy and resources. Details
Grades: Elementary, Middle School, High School, Administration
Downloaded 45 time(s)
Description: Every Student has a disability-it is
up to them whether it becomes a
handicap ornot. Based on personal
experiences of being a handicapped
student, and now a Details
Grades: Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School, Administration
Downloaded 27 time(s)
Description: One of the greatest drawbacks to our
wonderful special education services
is the attitude that many of our
children have about coming out of
class. While many Details
Grades: Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School, High School, Administration
Downloaded 24 time(s)
Description: This workshop explores some of the
impediments that hinder the
parent-teacher partnership.
Participants will gain an
understanding of why so many Details
Grades: Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School, High School, Administration
Downloaded 30 time(s)
Description: Every child has a unique style of
learning. In this presentation,
individual learning differences are
explored along with the causes and
consequences of these Details
Description: Parent training is a highly effective
tool for preventing an treating
behavioral and social problems of
young children. This presentation
introduces Dr. Details
Description: In order to make this treasured audio
file available to you as quickly as
possible, we have posted it without a
summary. Please feel free to submit
your own Details