Grades: Elementary, Middle School, High School, Administration
Downloaded 45 time(s)
Description: Every Student has a disability-it is
up to them whether it becomes a
handicap ornot. Based on personal
experiences of being a handicapped
student, and now a Details
Description: This session provides an overview of
Emergent literacy and will discuss the
importance of providing preschoolers
with many meaningfil literary
experiences. Five Details
Grades: Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School, Administration
Downloaded 179 time(s)
Description: Is it possible to take a child who has
not been successful in reading
accuracy or fluency for many years and
teach them how to self correct within
minutes? This Details
Grades: Elementary, Middle School, High School, Administration
Downloaded 162 time(s)
Description: This session on Chinuch Habanos was
given by R' Shmuel Kamenetsky at the
2008 Torah Umesorah Convention. After
some introductory remarks by R'
Kamenetsky people Details
Grades: Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School, High School, Administration
Downloaded 92 time(s)
Description: This session was given by R' Reuvein
Feinstein at the Torah Umesorah
convetion on 2008. After some
introductory remarks, people were able
to ask questions and Details
Grades: Elementary, Middle School, High School, Administration, Adult
Downloaded 90 time(s)
Description: In this practice-oriented workshop, a
variety of mind-enhancing (hypnotic)
techniques will be presented and
demonstrated. Special focus will be
given to: Details
Grades: Elementary, Middle School, High School, Administration, Adult
Downloaded 135 time(s)
Description: The purpose of this session will be to
impart an understanding of the derech
halimud and inyun of the RAMCHAL.
Rabbi Kessin will demonstrate how this
approach Details
Grades: Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School, High School, Administration
Downloaded 176 time(s)
Description: This presentation discusses the
cognitive difficulties students with
ADHD experience. Practical,
research-based interventions to be
implemented in a mainstream Details
Description: This workshop addresses two major
topics. First, research about the
importance of a strong vocabulary, how
to acquire it, and its application to
limudei kodesh Details
Grades: Elementary, Middle School, High School, Administration, Adult
Downloaded 136 time(s)
Description: For most Jews, Jewish History is
boring at best, or even depressing at
worst. Rabbi Berel Wein and the
Destiny Foundation have developed a
new methodology for Details