This item includes two versions of the same Haggadah. Both Haggados feature a beautiful cover and the complete Haggadah text in Hebrew alongside an English translation. One Haggadah provides space for students to transcribe the divrei Torah you present to the class (divrei Torah included!) while the other features the divrei Torah as part of the text. The teacher can download the complete Haggadah for himself/herself and the one with blanks to the class or he/she can distribute the completed Haggadah to the class. How to download: • Choose the print-ready PDF file that you would like to download. One version includes a lesson plan, Haggadah cover, Haggadah text with blanks for divrei Torah and separate pages of divrei Torah. The other version includes a lesson plan, Haggadah cover and the Haggadah with divrei Torah included as part of the text. • OPTIONAL: Download the editable DavkaWriter files for either of the versions of the Haggadah. (Does not include lesson plan.)