Play Bingo and simultaneously review concepts of Purim and
Megillas Esther! This game is played the typical Bingo way, yet
instead of calling out numbers or words, Purim riddles are read.
Students must figure out the answer to that riddle, and if they
have the answer on their Bingo card, they can cover that word. A
fun and thought-provoking way to review Purim concepts! Word
list, riddles, and template for Bingo charts are included. What
to download: • Download the print-ready PDF file (includes
lesson plan/instructions). • OPTIONAL: Download the
Publisher file for the editable document (does not include lesson
plan/instructions). Please note: When choosing an editable
file, depending on the version of the program that you are using,
and the fonts that you have, the document may not appear exactly
as it was originally intended and/or it may not exactly match the
PDF that we provide. |