Teach, review, or test your students on the Halachos pertaining
to saying or omitting Mashiv Haruach with these unique sheets!
The sheets include the Shemoneh Esrei-text from Atah Gibor until
Birchas M’chayeh Meisim for the winter months and until
HaKel Hakadosh for the summer months. Numbered speech bubbles
appear within the text indicating the point at which one realized
that he made a mistake in his Tefilla. These correspond with
blank lines upon which students are to write the appropriate
steps one must take in order to rectify his mistake in each
circumstance. Use when teaching Hilchos Mashiv Haruach Sukkos and
Pesach time. What to download • Download the print-ready
PDF file (includes lesson plan/instructions). • OPTIONAL:
Download the editable Word file (does not include lesson
plan/instructions). Please note: When choosing an editable file,
depending on the version of the program that you are using, and
the fonts that you have, the document may not appear exactly as
it was originally intended and/or it may not exactly match the
PDF that we provide. |