This Birchos Hashachar booklet includes the text of the Brachos
with Nekudos alongside a clear picture illustrating the meaning
of each Bracha. This item can be used as pages of a handmade
Siddur for school and/or home use or it can be used as reference
sheets for a Beiur Tefilla notebook. Note: This item contains
Sheim Hashem and must be treated accordingly. What to download
• Download the print-ready PDF file (includes lesson
plan/instructions). • OPTIONAL: Download the editable Word
file (does not include lesson plan/instructions). Please note:
When choosing an editable file, depending on the version of the
program that you are using, and the fonts that you have, the
document may not appear exactly as it was originally intended
and/or it may not exactly match the PDF that we provide. |