Here is a brief summary of the sh'ailos which were addressed
during the session: 1) In a classroom there are obviously
many different levels of talmidim/os. To which level talmid/a
should a Mechanech/es direct his/her
lessons? 2) Are there any danger signs
that should prompt a Mechanech to relocate from an out-of-town
back to the NY area? 3) What should be done
in a small school setting if it is necessary to pull a child out
of the classroom due to academic inability and due to certain
factors beyond control there are no other options in the city for
Jewish education? 4) How does a Mechanech deal with a student
whose parent who openly acts in a way that opposes the
school’s standards? 5) As a principal in a
girls H.S. when I hear that a former talmidah is about to receive
a position in a school and I am positive that her emotions or her
hashkafos/midos will be to the detriment of her class in a case
where I was not consulted, do I have an obligation to notify that
school of my opinion? 6) When teaching a possuk
in Chumash that has in it a din that a certain talmid’s
home does not keep (i.e. married woman needs to cover her hair)
how does the rebbe negotiate the truth with the talmid’s
feelings? 7) If an argument breaks out in class,
and the class will not accept any mussar what should be
done? 8) There is a push to make takanos at
Simchos as it would help the salary structure for Rebbeim. Are
there any updates on the matter?