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Curriculum Development / Kriyah and Kesiva / Re: Hebrew Reading for 8-11 year olds
on: February 15, 2014, 10:38:37 PM
In my experience using illustrated, simple, short, Hebrew stories and poems for reading practice (whole class, reading groups or individuals) is the best! It exposes the children to Ivrit as a live and meaningful language while helping them practice phonetic reading. Making reading and translating not a chore but the key that unlocks the story/mystery. It engages children, and helps them become comfortable with the flow and rhythm of Hebrew/Ivrit. I have used them with children as young as 4 and with my 1st graders (7 years old) as well. I just did the Hebrew poem ,פרפר נחמד the kids loved it and illustrated a booklet to read at home. I have some Purim ones that I'll use over the next few weeks as well. Happy to share Shavua tov, Elana Rubin
Technology / Technology in the Classroom / Computers in the Classroom?
on: August 13, 2007, 06:45:49 AM
Do your classrooms have computers, and if so what are the main functions of those computers? Computer skills are important to develop and using appropriate digital media in the classroom can be very beneficial for the children as another method of instruction that is motivating, exciting, and promotes collaborative/peer learning. Does anyone have any good programs, experiences or ideas to share?
Curriculum Development / Kriyah and Kesiva / Introducing nekudos
on: August 13, 2007, 06:44:24 AM
Some teachers introduce a new nekuda once a month as they teach the aleph-bais for the first time, most teachers seem to each aleph-bais first and only afterwards introduce the nekudos. Does anyone have the experience of trying both methods, do you have a preference?
Curriculum Development / Extra Curricular Activites and Programs / shavuos recipe
on: August 13, 2007, 06:43:04 AM
Does anyone have an idividually portioned recipe for cheese cake? I want to have each child measure and mix thier own. I'll write it up large, illustrate it and have the children do each step. They'll mix it all and put it into their own pie tin to be baked. I've done this before with other recipies and it is tremendously successful.