i currently have a "chavrusa" with a 9th grade public school girl. her parents have recently become more frum (started keeping kosher, walking to shul, etc). she know the alef bais, and isn't very interested in anything else i try to talk to her about. i've tried learning some chumash inside with meforshim with her in hopes that she would enjoy the logic of it, but that didn't work. she is definitely not ready for something like tznius or negiah. i tried the first perek of mesilas yesharim, and received a very lukewarm response. she does get a bit more animated when we get into theological debates, but we need something to springboard off of.
does anyone have any ideas? (to give you an idea of what type of kid this is, the only part of tanach she really likes is where yael kills sisra...)
thank you!