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Curriculum Development => Early Childhood => Thread started by: morahstasch on October 22, 2010, 09:37:29 AM

Title: Davening in preschool
Post by: morahstasch on October 22, 2010, 09:37:29 AM

I am a teacher of 3 year olds in a frum lubavitch pre-school. I was wondering
1) what tefillos they should be davening at that age
2) what order should they be added ex. modeh ani, shema, al nitalas yadayim etc...
3) whild the children are davenning should I be in a supervisory mode and stand walking around giving out stickers to those sitting and trying to daven nicely. Or should I be sitting and emulating good tefillah behavior and give them a sticker or mitzva note for davenning nicely  (by the time they end davening i may not remember who started davening nicely but i will remember who ended nicely so those kids that tried in the beginning might not get credit for it.

Title: Re: Davening in preschool
Post by: cmonoker on November 13, 2010, 09:07:02 PM
My goal in my curriculum choice is always MEANINGFUL activities. 
I love doing this age precisely because I had the discretion of choosing the curriculum, which in large part I based on developmental appropriateness.  For example with davening, when the children were toilet trained I introduced Asher Yotzar (this is rather atypical but should be common sense as the children are so excited about their acheivment that it is a great opportunity to give the right hashkfa/kavana over togethre with the teaching of the words). 
I also made a siddur of the tefillos we did in school that contained an appropriate picture for each tefillah so that the children (who couldn't read yet) knew which tefillah to say just from seeing the picture, while the parents had the words to refer to if necessaryi.e. the pictures made the siddur meaningful to the children and the words made them meaningful to the parents.  I sent the complete siddur home only at the end of the year so the children could continue davening over the summer months.
If you would like more information feel free to contact me.
Chanie Monoker

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