Title: what can i get a 12-year-old boy whom i taught kriah to? Post by: shifral on December 27, 2009, 10:15:58 PM last year, I started doing kriah with an 11-year-old special-ed boy. we started from scratch-he didnt know the difference between an aleph and a bais. now, he reads perfectly, and very fluently.
im stopping to do kriah with him this week, so I want to get him a present telling him how proud I am of him. we made a siyum last year and the school gave him a siddur, so thats out. I want it to be something mature, preferably have to do with kriah, and just cost a few dollars. it can also have to do with his bar mitzva, which is coming up in a few months, but it doesnt have to. (he is not laining by his bar mitzva, though he will iy"H go up for an aliya) any ideas? thanks! Title: Re: what can i get a 12-year-old boy whom i taught kriah to? Post by: meirlevenson on January 03, 2010, 05:48:20 PM Congratulations! Now another boy will be able to daven and learn to his potential. Even if he isn't Leining his bar-mitzvah parsha you could show him that you feel confident that he has the potential to lein if he wants. He may take up the challange even if it is not for his bar-mitzva.
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