Title: Kindergarten schedule Post by: rlperlman on September 03, 2008, 01:44:10 PM I'm teaching five year olds this year. I've only done preschool in the past. Any ideas for a practical schedule and some basic curriculum expectations?
Title: Re: Kindergarten schedule Post by: dascenter on February 15, 2009, 10:07:31 AM Practically speaking incorporate exercise into your program, end with a calming activity, and do this right before formal teaching sessions.
As far as expectations it would be based on a combination of knowledge of the normal developmental milestones hierarchy coupled with where they are holding (last year's teacher may unknowingly not have supported proper develoment in all areas - fine motor, gross motor, speech, vision, hearing, social/emotional, self-help, and cognitive) A good read is Rabbi Zvi Zobin's book "Productive Play" which can be obtained through Torah U'Mesorah. The Milestones are too invovled to post here but feel free to contact me directly. Hatzlacha, Chanie Monoker Educational Analyst 732-272-8509
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